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Godis 04 - Sisterhood of the Bow and Sword



Godis arrives in Dragon Bridge. It's a reasonably sized settlement. In the old days, before she'd come to Solitude, Godis would've considered Dragon Bridge a big city, full of life and danger. Now, she's a bit more cosmopolitan. Dragon Bridge is no Solitude... but it still has an inn at least.


Seeing as she needs to rest and has money to spend, that's where she goes.




A bath to wash off the grime and the blood...




... and a prayer of thanks to Dibella.


It's not like the adventuring and the death of Maya really is in Dibella's portfolio, but Godis still feels the goddess has been looking out for her.


Does Godis want to get laid? Yeah, kind of. But now that she's an adventuress, who's an appropriate partner? Who does she want?


Back home she'd just go find whatever farm-boy caught her fancy. If she'd become a prostitute - and gotten that damn license - she'd just put her urges into "customer satisfaction." But for some reason, right now, just picking up some random stranger in a strange new place doesn't feel right to her. On some level Godis wants "something better", even if can't quite figure out what that something is.


She puts these thoughts to the goddess as well, though she doesn't reach any kind of conclusion.




Instead she puts her energies elsewhere.


The sacking of the cultist lair had been fairly lucrative. Godis used some of the money to buy a spell teaching tome. Nothing fancy, just a simple light spell - but enough to hopefully help understand the fundamentals of spell casting.


To her delight, Godis masters the spell fairly quickly.




A quick test outside confirms her new-found skill. Is magic really that easy?




Then sleep. What an exhausting day.




Godis skills have improved already:




Everything started at 1.


She does have a bit of xp from starting up (starting Hunterborn triggers quest completion and xp IIRC), but xp sources are all zeroed out at this point. Godis is permanently Level 1. I did tweak skills, though, so she can go all the way up to 100 if she keeps at it.


Godis awakes, having made decision. She's going to look for some companions. Strength in numbers.


"Adventuring? If by adventuring you mean fucking, then yeah I'll go adventuring with you."


The guy's buddy laughs.


Yeah no, that's not it. "You're so funny! Haha!... but yeah, that's not what I'm looking for right now."


"Come one sweetie, I'll pay you! 30 septim?"


"Don't be rude," interjects his friend, "look at her tits. She's worth at least 50. Shit, I'd pay 75 to fuck her myself."


Now Godis never did take up prostitution as she'd planned, but she did inquire around. She's pretty sure they're lowballing her. Maybe things are different in a small town like Dragon Bridge?


"100 for the both of us at the same time? How about it sweetie?"


More laughter.


Godis manages to extricate herself from the conversation without antagonizing them. It's something she's always been good at.


So that didn't work...




"Did I overhear you, you're looking for adventuring companions?"


"That's right. Not having much luck though."


"Take my advice, don't go adventuring with men. Not in Skyrim at least. They're all out to take advantage of you. At the very least they'll want your body - whatever you think of that yourself. In many cases they'll try to subjugate you, turn you into their personal sex slave."


"You're kidding me?"


"Nah... sometimes they'll start with flattery and sweettalk, but it'll turn into browbeating eventually... and soon enough you may find yourself with an iron collar around your neck and then it's too late. Might even sell you off at the slave market in Riften when they get tired of you."


"That's... wow... but how do you know this?"


"I've been around. Seen a few things."


Fair enough.




"Name's Devesha. I'm an adventurer myself."




Devesha is a bit stiff, a bit awkward, but she sounds like she knows what she's talking about.


Godis quickly decides the other woman is a suitable partner, and Devesha is eager to join forces.




"I hear you're looking for a strong pair of hands?" An attractive woman approaches Godis.


"Thanks that's so flattering, like so sweet, but I'm not really into girls."


"I meant for adventuring."


"Oh!" Awkward.




Godis is embarrassed about the misunderstanding.




Luckily Ashe - that's her name - is not offended by the misunderstanding.


She's an archer and - she claims - handy with a sword or axe. She - like Devesha - has been around for a bit, and - again like Devesha - is very skeptical of male adventurers.


Maybe there's something to it after all?


In any case, Ashe, Devesha, and Godis agree to partner up.


"Strength in numbers,"says Godis though in the back of her mind lurks both Maya's dead body and Lady Katheryn's hasty retreat.




"We need a name for our little group," says Godis the next morning, to general agreement.


They banter back and forth - coming up with names that are too grandiose or too silly in turn - until Devesha says "how about the Sisterhood of Bow and Sword?"


"You don't have a bow... or a sword even," objects Ashe. "But I do," replies Devesha with a little smile. "You'll see."


It's a crisp Haafinger morning as the Sisterhood heads out, looking for adventure and whatever comes their way. Godis overhears Ashe whispering to Devesha "wow, look at her armour... she must be really experienced to get gear like that."


Unfortunately, Godis can't hear Devesha's reply.




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