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Such a perfect day




Hi guys. This is just a short intro into the future of Titania and Robert since they will be my 2 vault dwellers. It is in the point of view of Titania but it is basically the only joined story of the two since, well as you know it, only one of them survives the vault so it serves as an introduction to both of them. I will try later to write about both of them since I think it will be an interesting contrast. Him being a military and a very strong character while she will start as clueless as to how to survive and has a very soft and meek personnality. 


Dear Diary.

Today is  saturday, the 23rd of October.

Yesterday was both exhilarating and exausting as i met my new colleagues since finally my work has been aknowledged and i was transfered to the research team working on the new models of assaultron. I was getting really tired of these clunky protectrons, and also of the invasive glances and sweaty hands of M. Mac Phearson, the head of my former research team.

I woke up today to a sunny day at half past eight, Shaun still sleeping and Robert already out, doing his daily routine of exercises.

So I got up, prepared my two loves their breakfast and got ready for the day.

When Robert came back, I had already fed Shaun who was asleep again and was then all his. A fact made even more obvious when, getting home still sweaty from his exercise, he took me by the hips to maneuver me wordlessly to our bathroom and told me to undress for him.




I did as he commanded, teasing him until he finally gave me the authorisation to service him.






After that, the morning was a blur. We did it in the bathroom, then in our bed chamber. He made me beg, he made me scream, he made me ask for mercy and I loved every second of it. While we were having sex, he treated me like the lowest of the low, demeaning me, calling me names, but when it was over, he was tender, my lover, my prince. Oh God I love him so much.



















I doubted myself before, but he gave me some of his strength. And now, apart from our bouts in the privacy of our cocoon, I am respected woman, known not for her wanton lust as I was before he claimed me, but for my knowledge and expertise in robotics.

Now dear diary, I know that everything is going to be fine, as i write this Robert is in Shaun's room, and i can hear him laugh gently at Shaun's cooing, and Codsworth is in the living room, cleaning the place up for tonight's diner with the neighbours. I should go check what he wants since he just called us to see something. Maybe the lamb is getting a bit over cooked. Anyways, I know now, I can feel it, that the hardships are behind us. From now on, every thing is gonna be fine...





Edited by Lianeline


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