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Sian's Story part 27 - A Miner Dilemma



It will occur to the observant reader that the story I'm about to tell you is familiar.


The basics: I was given a job in Markarth involving a simple investigation that turned into something crazy and dangerous. Have I mentioned that I hate Markarth?


The Sybil is the leader of the Dibella...cult, religion, whatever. She (always a she) is kind of like the Dali Lama - when the old one dies, a new one is "found" somewhere out in the world. It's usually a little girl who is taken from her family to be raised as a spiritual leader. The assignment given to me was to find the new one at the nearby town of Karthwasten and bring her back to the temple. Simple enough, right?


So off I went, though the gates of the city and on foot (my horse was long gone, naturally) through the surrounding hills. It was nice to get out of the city, finally (at least under my own power), even if it was just for a bit.


I noticed a few things right away. First, I did not feel cold, even a little. Granted, Markarth is in the southern part of Skyrim, but even when the wind picked up, I didn't feel anything but a light touch on my skin. Second, the food the priestesses had given me for the journey was unappetizing. The meat was cooked far too much. In fact, I realized with a sort of growing combination of horror and fascination, the only meat that sounded appealing was raw. And I don't mean cooked raw - just thinking about biting into meat fresh off the bones of some animal made me literally quiver.


Anyway. It took half a day to reach Karthwasten, which turned out to be a dinky mining town filled with people not mining. Some sort of labor disagreement, from what I could tell, but I didn't care about that. It took exactly three queries to find the father of the new Sybil, and wouldn't you know - the girl had been kidnapped by a band of Foresworn. I promised I would rescue her - not like I had a lot of choice, thanks to the priestesses' blackmail - but I didn't want to start at dusk, so I decided to spend the night. Except they didn't have an inn.


Enter John, a pretty good looking miner who bought me a drink and offered to let me stay with him. I was feeling quite frisky, so I agreed, and we went to his cozy little shack on the edge of town. He was rough and unskilled, so there wasn't much in the way of foreplay, but it didn't matter - I felt suddenly horny to the point of desperation and was more than ready when he shoved into me. I orgasmed almost immediately, and it was the most powerful sensation I had ever felt. All my senses were subsumed by it. I felt like an abyss suddenly filled; a vacuum cracking open and reaching violent equilibrium.


When I came back to my senses, seconds or hours later, I felt whole, complete, as if a missing part of me had suddenly been found and had been clicked back into place. John still lay on top of me, but his body was light, so I just laid silent for a bit, patting his shoulder absently while I reveled in the afterglow. It was the greatest feeling of my life, the kind of feeling that usually exists only in fiction, because sex that good only happens in fiction.


My reverie was interrupted, bit by bit, by a growing sense that something was...amiss. Not how it should be. He should be moving a bit more, the worrying sense whispered. And shouldn't his skin be warmer? Also, what's that odd rattling sound that happens every time you pat him?


I stopped patting. The rattling stopped. I gave his shoulder, which felt surprisingly chilly, a little shove. More rattling. With a deep sense of dread, I pushed on his shoulder while raising my head to get a better look.


The face of a desiccated corpse stared back at me. I screamed and jumped up, dumping the dried remains of my lover on the dirt floor. His brittle bones cracked as it hit, held together only by the thin membrane of papery skin.


Shit. Shitshitshitshitshit. What the fuck! Shit!


I took some deep breaths and forced myself to calm down. Panic would not help. I needed to do something. I couldn't just carry him out the door - dawn had already cracked the sky, and people would be up and about. But I couldn't just leave his body here, either.




I'd have to hide the body. But where, in this tiny...my eyes fell on the fireplace. It would do.


I started a fire, then gingerly picked up the dried remains. Getting rid of it turned out to be much easier than anticipated - even the bones crumbled into dust at the merest pressure. Once the fire burned down, there was nothing left but ashes and soot. I grabbed my stuff, slipped out the door, and thanked whomever might be listening that the cabin was on the edge of town as I got the hell out of Dodge.




The new Sybil was surprisingly easy to rescue. Not because of anything I did, though. Just fortuitous timing.


The foresworn have encampments all over the area. The closest one to Karthwastern is an old fortress reclaimed by the Foresworn and called Broken Tower Redoubt (turns out the top tower is crumbling. There is a huge hole in the floor halfway up the stairs. These people are very literal with their naming conventions.)


By the time I got there, a squad of Imperial soldiers had already broken in. I’m not sure why they were wasting their time attacking the Foresworn when, from what I had gathered while making my way out of Markarth, both Whiterun and Falkreath had fallen to the Stormcloaks in the past month or so (which made me wonder about my status as a Thane of Whiterun – did that still count if Balgruff was gone? I never found out the answer to this question), but I used it to my advantage.


I just walked by the groups of combatants (I did help one or two soldiers who looked to be having a hard go. After the time in the mine, I'm not particularly warm toward the Foresworn) as I started a meticulous search from bottom to top.


Naturally, the law of reverse fortune exists in Skyrim - the last unchecked room, at the top of the Redoubt (the highest room in the tallest tower. A fairy tale come true, complete with damsel in distress!), was where I found the girl, huddled in a small cell. She didn't seem fazed by the news that she was the new Sybil and fortunately even accepted my story that we didn't have time to stop so she could say goodbye to her family - no way was I showing my face in that town again - and just like that, I had my freedom from Markarth.


It felt much longer than it really was – adding my time in the mine with the time under the domination of Molag Bal, by my best estimation, only about three months had passed. I've never managed to figure out this stupid calendar, so I'm not sure when I first entered that fucking city. All I knew, after I dropped the girl off at the temple and walked back out of the city gates, studiously ignoring anyone who looked remotely interested in speaking to me, was that I was never going back.


Don't feed the bastards - they'll just want more.


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Start at the Beginning

Edited by jfraser


Recommended Comments

Sounds like old MB played a little game of pretend with the priestesses of Dibella. Like: "Oh no, you oh so holy and virtuous servants of Dibella. How is a small and weak daedric spirit like me ever going to resist your divine purity and righteousness? Oooohhhh.... I am so very banished and must now slink back into the blackness...." (poff)  -five minutes later- "Are they gone? Is nobody looking? Great!.... Vessel? Listen up! Yeah, go and fuck that dude over there and drain him completely!.... I don't care! Get to it!"


Sidenote: For a moment I was a little worried that Sian may get involved with the other Daedric Prince who has set up camp in Markath as well. Because of that raw-meat-comment. But fortunately that doesn't seem to be the case.

Edited by HM1919
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Vor 5 Minuten sagte HM1919:

Klingt, als hätte der alte MB mit den Priesterinnen von Dibella ein kleines Rollenspiel gespielt. Wie: „Oh nein, ihr oh so heiligen und tugendhaften Diener von Dibella. Wie kann ein kleiner und schwacher daedrischer Geist wie ich jemals eurer göttlichen Reinheit und Rechtschaffenheit widerstehen? Oooohhhh … Ich bin so sehr verbannt und muss jetzt schleicht zurück in die Schwärze ..." (poff) -fünf Minuten später- "Sind sie weg? Schaut niemand hin? Großartig! ... Gefäß? Hör zu! Ja, geh und fick den Typen da drüben und lass ihn leer völlig! Es ist mir egal!


Nebenbemerkung: Für einen Moment war ich ein wenig besorgt, dass Sian sich mit dem anderen daedrischen Prinzen einlassen könnte, der ebenfalls in Markath sein Lager aufgeschlagen hat. Wegen diesem Rohfleisch-Kommentar. Aber zum Glück scheint das nicht der Fall zu sein.


Well - Succubus sounds more like "Sanguine" to me - although the Skyrim lore is not really clear if they "are under"


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11 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

Succubus sounds more like "Sanguine" to me

Stimmt schon. Aber die Lebenskraft-Aussaugerei fällt eindeutig unter Molags Zuständigkeitsbereich. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn Sanguine der erste war, der sich ein oder zwei Succubi zugelegt hat. Und Molag der Neidhammel musste dann natürlich seine eigene Brutalo-Version haben. Die, bei der die Opfer als Mumie enden und nicht einfach mit einem saftigen Kater am Morgen danach aufwachen.



That's right. But life force draining clearly falls under Molag's purview. I wouldn't be surprised if Sanguine was the first to get a succubi or two. And then of course Molag the envious had to have his own brutal version. The one where the victims end up as a mummy and don't just wake up with a juicy hangover the morning after.


Edited by HM1919
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1 hour ago, HM1919 said:

Stimmt schon. Aber die Lebenskraft-Aussaugerei fällt eindeutig unter Molags Zuständigkeitsbereich. Es würde mich nicht wundern, wenn Sanguine der erste war, der sich ein oder zwei Succubi zugelegt hat. Und Molag der Neidhammel musste dann natürlich seine eigene Brutalo-Version haben. Die, bei der die Opfer als Mumie enden und nicht einfach mit einem saftigen Kater am Morgen danach aufwachen.


  Enthüllen Sie versteckte Inhalte

Das stimmt. Aber das Entziehen der Lebenskraft fällt eindeutig in den Zuständigkeitsbereich von Molag. Ich wäre nicht überrascht, wenn Sanguine der erste wäre, der ein oder zwei Succubi bekommt. Und dann musste natürlich Molag der Neider seine eigene brutale Version haben. Der, bei dem die Opfer als Mumien enden und nicht am nächsten Morgen mit einem saftigen Kater aufwachen.



Well - the classic succubus - as I understand it - has always been able to suck out its sexual partner's life energy until death.
On the other hand, vampires (especially outside of the TES context) often have a sexual component - be it the sheer ability to seduce or the draining of blood in connection with the sexual climax...
..or that sucking blood itself causes feelings similar to "normal" sex.

The relationship between the vampire and the succubus is very close - I often play a "hybrid" myself - a vampire who doesn't turn into a vampire lord but into a succubus
here's an examplecapture_001_23102022_084041.png.c43f502e3405e341dcf8244e930ea942.pngcapture_002_23102022_085119.png.65e10cee074c1e33aa8e1b265146e05e.png


that's why I'm very curious how the succubus will be integrated here

Edited by Miauzi
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4 hours ago, Miauzi said:

Well - the classic succubus - as I understand it - has always been able to suck out its sexual partner's life energy until death.

I admit, that I do not know much about Succubi. I simply looked at Sanguine and Molag Bal as they are portrait in Skyrim and figured, that the "drain-until-death"-part doesn't really fit Sanguine.

Within Skyrim he seems more interested in spreading mischief and having a good time rather than in killing a bunch of mortals just because he can.  But perhaps I am giving him abit too much credit here.

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Vor 1 Stunde sagte HM1919:

Ich gebe zu, dass ich nicht viel über Succubi weiß. Ich habe mir Sanguine und Molag Bal einfach so angeschaut, wie sie in Skyrim porträtiert sind, und festgestellt, dass der "Entleeren-bis-zum-Tod"-Teil nicht wirklich zu Sanguine passt.

In Skyrim scheint er mehr daran interessiert zu sein, Unheil zu verbreiten und eine gute Zeit zu haben, als einen Haufen Sterblicher zu töten, nur weil er kann. Aber vielleicht traue ich ihm hier etwas zu viel zu.

And you saw it like I did.
Sanguine likes to play his "games" with mortals - especially with the "Dragon's Blood" - by the way, there is a very nice mod here on LL (highly recommended!)

But that he encourages his Emissaries to love mortals to death...
..well - I use the mods in a combination that I put a whole bandit camp in a kind of love trance and then ... well - they all die peacefully at orgasm.
No blood, no screaming .. except maybe with lust *cough*

You can of course arrange it in such a way that you (similar to a vampire) as a new succubus first have to learn how to use your powers - i.e. the death option is only unlocked when you are already quite experienced - i.e. have reached a high level.

So what happens to the character in the story could fit both Daedric Lords.
If you dig deeper into the lore you will come across a 3rd frenzy - the crazy Sheogorath - he has two very special guards:
- golden saints
- dark seducers
Both factions are not tied to their princes - they work "freelance" for other Daedric princes as well.
The "dark seducers" are said to have similar abilities to the succubi

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9 minutes ago, Miauzi said:

So what happens to the character in the story could fit both Daedric Lords.
If you dig deeper into the lore you will come across a 3rd frenzy - the crazy Sheogorath - he has two very special guards:
- golden saints
- dark seducers
Both factions are not tied to their princes - they work "freelance" for other Daedric princes as well.
The "dark seducers" are said to have similar abilities to the succubi

Well, I guess with so many different flavors of Hocuspocus on offer we really have to wait and see what happens next. The only things that appears rather certain is, that Sian's trip to "Wonderland" is far from over yet.?

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