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Music and some random ramblings



blog-0003820001432191139.jpgJust some random shots of Storm to accompany my random ramblings about Final Fantasy type 0 (HD) as well as the song I'm currently addicted to listening to. Well onto the ramblings.


As I've said before I've been playing Final Fantasy type 0 A LOT lately (I'd say I'm addicted to it) and I've been having a blast with two characters in particular; Seven and Nine. Seven is basically an AoE attack with mediocre physical and magical stats (except for ice magic which she's second with) and is the character I've used the most (mediocre or not, that AoE useful) and Nine is a Dragoon while also being the tank of the game (highest Health and physical defenses out of the 14 characters and he has some decent damage) who becomes a force of fucking nature when backed up by decent support. Actually despite Seven being my highest leveled character it was Nine I hit the damage cap with first. Actually I enjoy playing with most of the characters (except for two; Cinque and Deuce, Cinque because her attacks are too slow and Deuce because she's a support character and I prefer to let the AI use her) since they all have aspects to their playstyle I like (yes even Rem who is the character I ranted about in this post.)


I was also playing an expert trial (bonus missions intended for a New Game +) against Concordia (the game has 4 states; Rubrum (the protagonist state so to speak), Milites (the antagonist state), Concordia (the betrayer state) and Lorica (who got nuked)) who utilise dragons and since I had access to Neo Bahamut (possibly the strongest regular eidolon in the game) I decided to show them what a real dragon looked like and it was awesome, I ended up just strafing the area I had to fight in with his Giga Flare skill (basically hold X to kill shit) up until the mission ended and it was glorious. It's no wonder they had him tucked away in another expert trial on the second highest difficulty setting otherwise it would be a case of press X to win every boss fight.


Also sorry for dedicating pretty much an entire blog post to it, but I had nowhere else to put it and at least you got to see pictures of Storm in not very much. And with that out the way onto the music;




I actually never used to really like Enter Shikari, but that one song changed my mind.


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