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Pizzazzed. Chapter 6. The Vanity Buffet.



Daan's fear of being recognized made him paranoid, he lost his sleep and started to panic. He decided if push comes the shove, he will admit the he owns Royal Pleasures Studio and is shooting videos with Zahra. He also remembered that he promised to contact the creep to find some more information, but he was hesitant, since he was afraid of what might come of it. So he did the thing he did best.




Daan wasn't surprised that much when he saw third tape of Penny on a website. This one was titled Pizzazz Sex Tape 3: Eaten out, with the following description: "seems like Daan likes loves his exquisite cuisine, especially if it's Penny's pussy. She enjoys his efforts while watching her own image on a billboard outside. Talk about vanity!" 
On the next day Zahra called him, asking if he talked to the guy responsible to for leaking the videos. Daan had done so right after finding out about the third video, but nothing much had come from it: the creep said that he already told the whole story to the papers and that he aims at ruining Penny's career or worsen her reputation at least.


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