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[T.F.T.L] This is where the fun begins #4

Agent Tex




[ Bal Lodge ]


Phoenixa Bal

Where have you been? Your almost 10 hours late now Ari!

Aria Bal

Yeah sorry about that, I uh got caught up with some other stuff in town, then someone assaulted me, oh then I got arrested for lollygagging and then this whole thing happened with--


Phoenixa Bal

You promised to be here on time, for today, and you weren't!

Aria Bal

I know I know, and I'm real sorry


Phoenixa Bal

Sorry? Ari I've been planning this day for weeks, I thought... I mean I... 

Aria Bal

Hey hey it's okay, let it out hon


Phoenixa Bal

Where, were, you?

Aria Bal

Well now you mention it. I may have been getting you a present, well presents since there are two of them, since I knew you'd be angry that I was late


Phoenixa Bal

Present? You seriously think you can bribe me with a present this time?

Aria Bal

Yeah, chill babes its worth while, trust me


Phoenixa Bal

You've been late before but 10 hours Ari! This Gift better be the size of a mammoth or your sleeping on the floor, again

Aria Bal

Trust me, it's worth it


Phoenixa Bal

Well, where is it then?

Aria Bal

They are right here


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

Here, right here


Phoenixa Bal

I don't see them

Aria Bal

That is because they are covered up silly


Phoenixa Bal

You mean your boobies?

Aria Bal



Phoenixa Bal

<Sighs> Ari I've seen them a million times, that's not much of a present

Aria Bal

Oh, but you should see what I have had done to them


Phoenixa Bal

Wait... are those?

Aria Bal

Yep, you like'em?


Phoenixa Bal

You.... wait, did you do this for me?

Aria Bal

Sure did


Phoenixa Bal

Ari... you got your nipple pierced, for me?

Aria Bal

Yeah, I mean I know you love to play with them but you always wanted me to get them since we meet that Ariella girl months ago. So, here they are


Phoenixa Bal

They look, uh well pretty great

Aria Bal

I know, and they are safe to play with due to my healing factor being awesome


Phoenixa Bal

Wait, so you were late because you were having these done?

Aria Bal

Yeah, look I know I promised to be here but I knew you'd understand once you saw them, saw that I tried my best to please you


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

You do like them yes? Can't really take them back but--


Phoenixa Bal

I love'em, really I do

Aria Bal

Aww, knew you would


Phoenixa Bal

Did... did it hurt?

Aria Bal

Yeah, a lot took three guys to hold me down for each nip


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

Kidding, nah it was like getting stung by a bee really


Phoenixa Bal

Well.... Thank you, for doing that. But you should have talked to me about it, I wanted you to be comfortable with it too, its your body Ari

Aria Bal

Ugh yeah, and I am totally okay with this


Phoenixa Bal

I'm sorry I yelled at you

Aria Bal

No, you had every right to be angry. I hate breaking my promises but this, was the exception I had to make


Phoenixa Bal

Thank you, I am very grateful for these um "gifts" you got me

Aria Bal

You wanna touch them?


Phoenixa Bal

Uhhh... yeah a little, can I?

Aria Bal



Phoenixa Bal

Wait, are they sore? Do they hurt at all?

Aria Bal

A little, my bodies not used to this kind of... modification, but they should be--


Phoenixa Bal

Hmm, then best I do not touch encase they fall off or something

Aria Bal

Yeah that's not... hmm, maybe leave them a good few hours to be safe


Phoenixa Bal

Well,  I should find someway to thank you for this wonderful gift

Aria Bal

Oh, I think we can play a game or two, right Mistress?


Phoenixa Bal

<Clears throat> How dare you let others touch your body!

Aria Bal

I'm sorry Mistress, but I thought the gift would be worth while


Phoenixa Bal

I'll punish you good for this

Aria Bal

I hope you do Mistress


Phoenixa Bal

Oh I will and... and.... aww I can't go full Domme right now. I'm too happy!

Aria Bal

Aww, really?


Phoenixa Bal

Yeah, its not in my character to punish you if you did a good thing for me.

Aria Bal

True, so what shall we do instead of dominating me?


Phoenixa Bal

I... have an idea, but it's a little strange even for us

Aria Bal

Yes, so go on sweetie?


Phoenixa Bal

I... uh, want you to phuck an object for me

Aria Bal

Aww... Anything for you my darling wife


Phoenixa Bal

I came up with a sexy story while I was waiting, the idea is that we sell your uh juices

Aria Bal

My juices?


Phoenixa Bal

I was bored okay, my mind tends to make up stories when I'm bored. So yeah, you fuck a bottle and cum inside it, then we sell it and I really have no idea where this idea came from.

Aria Bal

Hmm, theirs a bottle over there, lets try it out


Phoenixa Bal

Wait Ari be careful, it could break 

Aria Bal

Nah, it's a solid object. So you want me to fuck it?


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

Well, okay then



Phoenixa Bal

Hmm, is it okay?

Aria Bal

It's pretty good to be honest, nice curved edges it's no different then a dildo really


Phoenixa Bal

Yes but Dildos are meant to go into you, thats not

Aria Bal

Technicality it's meant to go in your mouth


Phoenixa Bal

Alright smarty pants

Aria Bal

Hah, so come on tell me the story of why I'm doing this? How is this kinky?


Phoenixa Bal

Well the idea came when we ran out of water a few weeks back and you said survivalists drink their pee. I thought about us pretending to sell fake wine or something look it was just a short story, I never finished writing it.

Aria Bal

Meaning you want me to pee into a bottle and then drink it?


Phoenixa Bal

Yuck no! I told you it was not fully done. I was just brain storming for ideas

Aria Bal

Okay, so your a shady merchant selling fine wines for low prices, meaning while I'm under the counter doing this because?


Phoenixa Bal

I've got nothing Ari

Aria Bal

Hah that's a first

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Phoenixa Bal

Not really, it's easy to write stories with rope, yokes and the X-Cross in them but this, well this is just plain weird Ari

Aria Bal

Hey your the one who told me to do this


Phoenixa Bal

I was telling you my idea, your the one who grabbed it and suddenly deiced to phuck it

Aria Bal

Hmm, it's not too bad really


Phoenixa Bal

Wait.. your gonna cum from it?

Aria Bal



Phoenixa Bal

No no no cumming for you today, switch

Aria Bal



Phoenixa Bal

Heh, I love how you do whatever I say

Aria Bal

Kind of the point of our Sub and Domme relationship right?


Phoenixa Bal

True but this is not that, infact I'm not even in Domme mode, this is just us being well.... us

Aria Bal

Right, and I'm fucking a bottle of healing potion why again?


Phoenixa Bal

I don't know

Aria Bal

Well you gotta have some ideas, your the writer here


Phoenixa Bal

I already told you them

Aria Bal

So now your just enjoying the show?


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

Well, glad to be a performer for you


Phoenixa Bal

You've always preformed well for me, even outside of sex

Aria Bal

Come on Phe lets face it, I suck at romance and I'm not too good at the other stuff


Phoenixa Bal

You doing fine enough, you've been doing fine enough for years now Ari.

So stop worrying about it

Aria Bal

Yes Ma'am


Phoenixa Bal

Heh, seeing that go in and out of you is really hot

Aria Bal

Good to know


Phoenixa Bal


Aria Bal

Uh, yeah hello Nirn to Phoenix?


Phoenixa Bal

Oh sorry did I drift off again, I'm just thinking?

Aria Bal

Of how wonderful my ass looks when a large object going inside it


Phoenixa Bal

No, what we can do with the bathroom

Aria Bal

Wait... your still thinking about this place and not us having sex?


Phoenixa Bal

Hey we will have plenty of room for sex later, now come on leave the bottle I've got something I want your option on

Aria Bal

Aww, but I was so close too.... alright



Recommended Comments

Meanwhile outside.... Zilphia: "Wow, Phoenix must complete this story. I tried it and i think, that would be a great business Idea. Wanna some Cream?"

Me: "Ahem, you take/stole this script from her?"

Zilphia: "No no, I just lend it for a while."






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On 8/28/2020 at 2:12 AM, Jayomms said:


 ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️  ❤️ 

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On 8/28/2020 at 7:03 AM, zilvradrow said:

Meanwhile outside.... Zilphia: "Wow, Phoenix must complete this story. I tried it and i think, that would be a great business Idea. Wanna some Cream?"

Me: "Ahem, you take/stole this script from her?"

Zilphia: "No no, I just lend it for a while."


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Aria: Hmm, cream <Drools>

Phe: I'd like the script back Zilphia

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Zilphia: "Oh, of course. Here Phoenix. BTW, i never read so exiting and inspiring Stories. You're a damn good Story teller." *smile* "And here Aria, a bootle with fresh cream. Be careful with it. Enjoy not all at once, it should be better."




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