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Skyrim is plagued by vampires, also torn apart by a terrible civil war between the Stormcloacks and the Imperials. With more, the terrible Thalmor having surely a fatal destiny for the inhabitants of Skyrim and Tamriel.


On Dawnguard’s side, Isran and his men are overwhelmed and on their guard because the vampires threaten. 
The lair of the vigils was destroyed by these abominable beings.


Meanwhile, a strange, beautiful, seductive and mysterious woman appeared.
Rumors are told in the inns of towns and villages, talking about a strange woman with incredible charms appears then disappears after a while.
No one knows her intentions and why she is in the country.
Those who have crossed his path are.... are missing or alive, telling the exploits of this woman.
Some even say that it is better to avoid crossing it.
His name? Luxia!


luxia 1.jpg

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