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Licenses - Frequently Asked Questions

Can we get different license rules for each Hold? Licenses places a centricity on literal license documents. Licenses verifies your permissions by checking for license books. If you needed a different Armor License for each hold, that would result in duplicates across the entire license system. On the other hand, if only the rules differed while a single Armor License satisfied the requirement across all of Skyrim, there would be a dissonance between narrative and mechanics. I also want to reduc


Nuascura in BMLE

Licenses - User Manual

Armor License: "The ultimate license to hide a woman's body from the male gaze. Yet, like the collar exemption, merely a reprieve from the reality of a woman's life." Self-explanatory.   Bikini Armor License: "If a woman is to fight, she might as well flaunt her tits and ass while she's doing it." Available keywords are processed with OR logic, not AND logic.   Clothing License: "A woman must be nude at all times for her holes to be examined and used


Nuascura in BMLE

Licenses - Notes for Mod Authors

First, a guide: BM_Licenses is the central script BM_Player is for Player Quest Alias and any Events that run with said alias BM_Licenses_Utility holds shared/common functions AND functions that external mods may wish to use Scripts prefixed with BM_ME indicate that they are Magic Effects linked to a spell or enchantment Scripts prefixed with BM_D indicate they are dialogue scripts holding start and end fragments Scripts prefixed with BM_Licenses indica


Nuascura in BMLE

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