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About this blog

It's July 1st, 2023 and I'm diving back in to Skyrim VR with both feet, literally.  In the last year, I've picked up a KatWalk C2+, a bHaptics TactVest, and a bHaptics TactVisor.  I've had a number of failed starts in this, mostly because of trying to get the mods to play well with each other.  I think I've finally ironed out all the kinks and I'm ready to do this.  The first post of this blog will be my modlist and notes on installing them.

Entries in this blog

Modlist and Setup

INTRODUCTION Skyrim VR is aging.  The SKSE site lists the different game versions, and Skyrim VR is the oldest and no longer receiving updates.  This is good, in the respect that Bethesda won't change anything about the game that breaks mods.  But it's also bad because mod developers are not making mods that are backwards compatible with the VR version.  In this list, I'll provide exact versions and URLs for where to find the mods I use, if I can.   Some of these are no longer ava


Corysia in Guide

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