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A new order is emerging from the shadows. Old names resurface and new ones are born. Strange creatures are prowling outside the cities and undergrounds and disturbing masked shapes lurk in the shadows, waiting for the right moment to arise. The Octahedron Cult is gathering forces and Harania has to lead them, as their spiritual guide. To accomplish the Dark God's will and to fulfil her insatiable needs, that become more and more oppressive. Is she going to succeed where other chosen failed ? Or is she going to doom the Order because of her obsessions for luxury and blood ?


This is the legend of the Octahedron Cult and their Leaders. Enjoy your stay.



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Entries in this blog

Harania, From Ashes to Daemonhood

Harania, once, was a villager living in a farm with her familly, had the most peaceful like she could ever dreamt about. But war was coming and she had to defend Skyrim against the Empire. She wasn't a soldier at first but that didn't stop her to be part of an assault alongside Stormcloaks against the Imperial forces. They won the battle but the rest of the defeated legionaries, weakened and angry, came across Harania's village and attacked. They slaughtered the villagers, even the kids and rape
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