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About this blog

After dabbling in mods for over 8 years, I've learned a few things about the practice of modding along with how the game functions.


Though I DO NOT claim to be an "expert" in any capacity, I do believe I have some information that can help both mod users and mod authors to various degrees.


This blog will also contain my review of mods I have used, but only after I feel I have gained significant experience understanding the inner workings of the mod.

Entries in this blog

Upgrading to AE - An Uncomfortable Decision

After much struggling with my version of SSE (1.5.97) and eventually determining my USSEP file is broken or otherwise causing problems, I am begrudgingly moving to AE. I don't WANT to do this, but I feel like I have no choice at this point.   Why am I so hesitant? 2 main reasons:   1) When AE first dropped, many LL mods I enjoyed were not compatible with AE due to DLL issues, and I am still worried that a mod I highly enjoy will not work on AE.   2) Arthmoor is a fu


NymphoElf in Other

Armor Slot Assignment - Creating a "Standard"

While I know this has been discussed before, and perhaps I'm far too late to be talking about this to make a difference, I feel like armor mods need to follow a "standard" when assigning body slots. There are too many mods with conflicting armor slots, where - for example - I want to put on a new "underwear" item yet I'm forced to remove my shirt or pants and then be somehow wearing two "under" items at the same time. It's simply non-sensical.   BEFORE YOU COMMENT SAYING THAT A STANDAR


NymphoElf in Other

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