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About this blog

After dabbling in mods for over 8 years, I've learned a few things about the practice of modding along with how the game functions.


Though I DO NOT claim to be an "expert" in any capacity, I do believe I have some information that can help both mod users and mod authors to various degrees.


This blog will also contain my review of mods I have used, but only after I feel I have gained significant experience understanding the inner workings of the mod.

Entries in this blog

Milk Mod Economy - A Guide

Milk Mod Economy (aka MME) is one of the few mods that adds lactation to your game for female NPCs and the player. However, the information on HOW to use this mod is effectively nonexistent and requires hours upon hours of trial and error. On top of that, the mod as currently released has a lot of bugs - particularly in the "Economy" part of the mod, which is sad considering "Economy" is part of the mod's title.   This blog entry is intended to serve as a guide to those who are using t


NymphoElf in Guides

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