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About this blog

Been playing modded bethesda games for years, and decided to finally do something of all the (mis)adventures of my characters.

Entries in this blog

Skyrim introductions (again^^)

So... Yeah, I reinstalled Skyrim, again,  special edition this time, anniversary even. Redid some characters, started to have fun with their misadventures again, and thought, hey, would I actually tell stories about it one more time? So sure, I probably will do six or seven characters (already done), imagine complex stories, start making thousands of pictures, start 10 different stories on this blog, and maybe actually publish one before i get bored. So yeah, that's it. But hey, that's what

Introductions again, Fallout 4 this time.

Hi all.   Well, it was a lot longer than I expected, but hey, at least the introduction is here. Let's get ready for some post apocalypse smut! As I did for Skyrim, I'll introduce my fallout 4 characters. So that nobody is too disappointed, I'll say it right now, it is most probable that you'll only see action from one or two of the 4 that I'll present here. Let's be frank, I don't take that much time to do content so I'd rather concentrate on one character so that the story may o


Lianeline in Introductions

Getting started

So. Hello everybody, this is Lianeline. This blog here is going to be the place where some of the things that happen to my characters  in Skyrim is going to be told with some images to boot. It's actually been a while that I play the game considering that i pre ordered it before it was released. Pretty quicly i started modding it and now i have around 250 mods active while playing. It is a bumpy road of course, and since I am far from being a pro when it comes to computer, it is not al


Lianeline in Introductions

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