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Antiope's Backstory

Antiope's parents were probably poor farmers somewhere in High Rock who had a bad harvest one year when she was too young to remember.  Or maybe they were hunters who hit a long spell of bad luck.  Or perhaps her mother was a tavern whore who got knocked up by a client.  Who can say?  Antiope never knew them, at any rate.  And if Mistress remembers them, she has never told Antiope.  But Mistress has bought and sold so many slaves over the years that she'd be forgiven for not remembering whom she


Antiope_Apollonia in Background

The Worldbuilding Foundations of Antiope's Tamriel

The following is an overview of the roleplaying and worldbuilding assumptions that undergird the Tamriel that Antiope inhabits and the life she leads.  I just thought it might be a good idea to lay it all out clearly here in case anyone is curious for some context for my comments in other topics, without me needing to clutter them any further than my walls-o'-text already do.   But before we look at the world, I think it shall be necessary to begin with Antiope's place within it so tha


Antiope_Apollonia in Background

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