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Free from the Honorhall Orphanage after a childhood filled with abuse and neglect, Sloan must now find her own way in the world.

Entries in this blog

Sloan's Story part 4 - Cleanliness is Next to Sexiness

Sloan had had baths before. Once a month, the children at the orphanage were gathered and took turns bathing in a round wooden tub. With so many children, the water did not stay clean for long, and it was debatable how clean most of them got. She had never thought anything of it until Marie gave her a real bath.   The tub was as large as four of the orphanage tubs, made of some dark sweet-smelling wood and filled with water that was hot and clean. Sloan sank into the heat with a profou


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's Story part 3 - ...Thief?

It had seemed like a simple plan, really. Not even an imaginative one - after all, she got the idea from the person who had done the same to her.   There were purses everywhere she looked, just hanging from people's belts (a mistake she would never make again!) All she had to do was...take one.   She waited. She studied. She planned. She picked the perfect spot, an alleyway that was narrow enough that people passing by could not help but brush up against each other to pass, b


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's story part 14 - Murder by Midnight

"Do you have any idea how long it's going to take you to make up nine-thousand septims?"   Sloan couldn't answer. All she could do was gape. She barely noticed when the chains came off of her wrists and ankles, although the removal of the collar helped shake her from a little of the shock.   "I...what...you..."   "That's all you have to say?" Seb laughed, jumped forward, wrapped her in a huge hug. "Welcome back! Ooh, you stink. We need to get you to the baths."


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's Story part 13 - Twenty-four Steps

In contrast to the plodding days of nothingness in the pen, once they stepped inside the building events proceeded at a breakneck pace. They were whisked to a large room containing some ingenious system that turned the entire thing into one huge communal shower. It was like standing in a moderate rainfall. Slaves, faces blank and impersonal, washed them off with brusque, efficient swipes of rough cloth. They were then led to another room where the chain that linked them together was removed. Thr


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's Story part 10 - The Long Walk

In retrospect, attempting the three-hundred mile journey to Riften on eleven septims, unescorted and unarmed save for a blunt, rusty knife she found discarded in a corner of the alley, may not have been the wisest choice Sloan had made in her short life. But if the night had taught her anything, it was that a life as a street whore would get her nothing but suffering and a probable early death from exposure to the frigid Skyrim nights. So she shoved herself to her feet, wiped off her disheveled


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's Story part 12 - The Pen

She had seen the Riften slave pens one time, when she and a few of the other girls from the Vixen had taken a trip to the seedier part of town on their day off. They had felt so bold as they peeked over the wall at the rows of corrals, like pigpens except with huddling chained human figures. They had been shooed away, giggling, by a mock-angry guard. It had never occurred to Sloan to wonder where the slaves came from, and had she thought to wonder, she would have guessed they were convicts or wa


jfraser in Sloan's story

Sloan's Story part 11 - Journey's End

Despite Kra’aft’s concerns, the next two days of travel were pleasant. Kra’aft and Holo had supplied her with plenty of food for the trip, the weather was lovely and, aside from her aching feet, Sloan had no complaints.   Which was not to say there were not unpleasantries. Near the end of the first day’s travel, she came across what had clearly been a battle. There were no bodies along the road but there was still plenty of spilled blood and bits of broken armor and weapons strewn abou


jfraser in Sloan's story

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