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Tears of the Present - Epilogue



Tears of the Present - Epilogue



If you haven't read chapter 3, then go here first: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/148/entry-719-tears-of-the-present-chapter-3-cont-from-the-blackreach-experiments/

And if you haven't read any of these then you may want to start here: http://www.loverslab.com/blog/148/entry-561-the-blackreach-experiments-part-1-and-2/



**** It had been almost four months since Asmund became High King. He married Kiva recently and the two of them were living in Proudspire Manor. They preferred it over the palace rooms. ****


Asmund had come to understand Kiva. They were enjoying dinner when he said, “I know you killed Syblille and drove Elisif mad.”




Kiva jumped up and almost choked on her food. “I don’t know what you’re talking about! I never…”




“You contacted the Dark Brotherhood for the mage deaths and you manipulated the city with magic.”




Kiva’s mind was racing. “How could you possibly know any of that!?”




“Dear, sit down.” he said calmly. “I just want to clear the air.” Kiva sat down and listened to her husband. He knew more than he should and she was worried.




“You and I both have something in common. We like power. I didn’t marry you for your pretty smile. The Greybeards told me something after I killed Alduin. They said that I could use my power for good and be remembered or use it for evil and have my name become a curse.”




Kiva asked, “So you chose good I’m assuming?”




Asmund walked around to Kiva. “Well, good is such a broad term. You can do several bad things to get a good result. Killing a murderer while he sleeps is bad but the result is good.”




“What are you saying dear?”




“I’ve known about you since the first time you contacted the Dark Brotherhood. I’m their listener and also their leader. I have been the whole time. You manipulated hundreds to get where you are today. I admire that.”



“Thank you dear.” Kiva was almost blushing.




He got up from the table. “Let’s go my love, we have a kingdom to rule.”




The End




I want to thank everyone that read the entire set of these stories, The Blackreach Experiments and Tears of the Present. They were a lot of fun to write and your feedback has really helped and in some cases been a driving force for me to complete this.



Would you like to know more?



I can keep the stories going, all be it with some new characters. Let me know if yall would like me to continue it. The next set will pick up some years later.




Recommended Comments

think you should continue the story or make a new story about what happens to Arissa and Celes after Arissa picks the remining parts up and flys them away, then you could continue from there :)

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think you should continue the story or make a new story about what happens to Arissa and Celes after Arissa picks the remining parts up and flys them away, then you could continue from there :)

Thanks for the feedback. That's actually something I hadn't thought of until you said that. It also gave me an awesome story idea.

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think you should continue the story or make a new story about what happens to Arissa and Celes after Arissa picks the remining parts up and flys them away, then you could continue from there :)

Thanks for the feedback. That's actually something I hadn't thought of until you said that. It also gave me an awesome story idea.


not a problem :) i only thought oif it cause i liked them 2 they were very intresseting toons :),   and if u did carry on with story for them 2 u could also at the end have story were they go on a mission for other things :)

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