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The Blackreach Experiments Part 3



The Blackreach Experiments - Part 3 - The End of Days


"Stand your ground men! Give them time to evactuate!" yelled Jarl Mani Gustanvinson at his troops. The dragons had ravaged Skyrim. The main cities were cinders. Jarl Gustavinson was trying to get survivors to some nearby caves when the dragons fell upon them.



The surviving guards fought valiantly.



But not everyone survived.



From overhead, Alduin's voice boomed, "It is useless to resist mortals. All shall bow before the Dovah! Let none of these pathetic wretches survive my brothers!



"Everyone! Head for the caves! Alduin is here!" yelled the Jarl. The survivors ran as fast as they could while the guards tried to distract the dragons.

"Hurry child! Get to the cave near Helgen!



Jarl Gustavinson charged toward the closet dragon, "For Skyrim!"



He climbed up the dragon's back with rugged grace and delivered a death blow.



But no matter how many dragons fell, more flew in to take their place.



A powerful blast threw the Jarl against the stone.



He pulled himself under a roof to catch his breath. "Damn dragons!"



A pair of brave guards yelled to the Jarl, "Go sir! Hurry! We'll hold them off!"

He had no choice, he had to join the others.



The surivors assembled in Blackreach. There was no place large enough for a dragon to enter so they would be safe for a time.



He feared for his wife, Celine. She had traveled to riften to evacuate the orphanage and anyone she could find but that had been weeks ago.



"Oh gods! So many dead." she crawled toward the sewers but the smoke was filling the air all around her.



Several days passed with no more survivors arriving. He had gathered every mage he could to help hold Blackreach City. The massive wards they cast were like nothing he had ever seen! He even heard some appealing directly to Azura.



Several guards approached the Jarl to give him their reports.



The news was grim. A dragon was spotted outside the gates and it was accompanied by serveral dragon priests. He learned that Riften had been completely destroyed and his wife was no where to be found. The good news was that the wards were holding and some mages had recently discovered a set of aetherium armor and weapons.



One of the mages called the Jarl over to a strange device.

"Jarl, I think we've done it! This device should let you use the elder scroll to send yourself backward in time. We know the Dragonborn was killed during some kind of accident. If you can find him before that, then this future may be overted."

"Sounds like a plan. When will it be ready?"

"It's ready now," she replied.



The Jarl stepped onto the device and began reading the scroll.



There was a blinding flash of light and suddenly, he was standing in blackreach, surrounded by Falmer and their servants....



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