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what is this hand print on tits mod? also has boob deformation?

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Reminds me QB Melona Armor hands .Look for Asian modders blogs .

lmao its so hard to find any through the normal google route, can u give me a few?

Reminds me QB Melona Armor hands .Look for Asian modders blogs .

lmao its so hard to find any through the normal google route, can u give me a few?

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Mita and Eihey already have what on them,they're updating daily [1-2d] their blogs.Sooner or later what u're looking for will be there.

Dont forget to update this post if or when it will come out  :)



guess what i found:



it's not the mod, but it's his mod blog, with all the downloads for a shitton of weird mods i've never seen before. It's a fucking treasure trove.


I found it through this photo someone put up to ask him a question on skyrim.jpn.org:






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Yeah,have stalked this one before but never understood why its for. There are actually many of this Skyrim Uploader sites out there I've found while surfing.

mind sharing a few of them you've found? these are super interesting. they contain some freaky mods you won't find anywhere else cuz they all seem custom.

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I dont have bookmarks for it just surfed random skyrim JP blogs,some of them called uploaders. I think they are share hubs - equivalent to mediafire and others. 

Found hands on 44 bikini v1.2   

ho ho ho ho


queue the dragonborn theme cuz this has been one of the greatest victories ive had on loverslab lmao.


seriously though, most of the time when i post stuff similar to this people just give up and say shit like: "oh that's just photoshop" or "That's 3d program stuff" or "he used 3dmax to do that"


which i know isn't true cuz i've seen normal nexus modders who've made outfits just like this one with BOOB DEFORMATION built into the outfits. Just look at Misty skye follower's outfit and you'll see flatout a successful bodyslide-only made outfit that squeezes the tits flat in the middle while preserving the original shape. 


anyways, imma try to conver this chbhc outfit to somethign else, is there a conversion tutorial thread for bodyslide somewhere?

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conversions yes

im performing my first conversion and i think i sculpted out the nice boob bend pretty nicely on my custom uunp bodyslide preset,


but idk how to save it or export it properly... any idea how?

i've been following this thread:http://www.loverslab.com/topic/25180-unofficial-bodyslide-2outfit-studio-tutorials/ 

but some of the information is a bit dated cuz its using an older version of bodyslide...


my first ever time using outfit studio...:


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well , you need to export it. :)

I dont work in Bodyslide nor i have found any good tutorials for it,especially how to make for 0 weight armors.Sorry,nice one btw.

lmao finished it but can't get it perfect with hdt physics turned on.


i feel like it won't be possible to get it perfect since no matter what there will always be some clipping with moving breasts that big that bounce up and down and change shape like crazy XD.


this thing can only work well stationary and in screenshots :/

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  • 1 year later...


On 6/18/2017 at 1:00 AM, Xaqq said:



guess what i found:



it's not the mod, but it's his mod blog, with all the downloads for a shitton of weird mods i've never seen before. It's a fucking treasure trove.


I found it through this photo someone put up to ask him a question on skyrim.jpn.org:


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Sorry to revive a 1 year old thread, but do you guys know where to find these sperm textures? I don't think they were created by the same guy who created the bikinis, as I couldn't find on the website you mentioned above...

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8 hours ago, E Boy said:


Sorry to revive a 1 year old thread, but do you guys know where to find these sperm textures? I don't think they were created by the same guy who created the bikinis, as I couldn't find on the website you mentioned above...

That's probably an Asian variation replacer, in the section of sexlab framework there are a couple of cum texture replacers.

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