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  1. Thank you very much for your explanation. I understand it now. I'll give it a try to create a mod (hopefully) this upcoming week. I'm on steam as anvaen01, but camera config is not my work. I haven't made any mod contribution on the steam community :/
  2. Hello everyone! First of all, I would like to thank you for sharing all this increible mods. I've very much enjoyed all of them ( ͡ ͡° ͜ ʖ ͡ ͡°) Currently, I want to edit the nude skin, adding text, marks and drawings to it. You know, arrows pointing to certain places with text reading FREE USE or $1, with marks showing how many had fun before; naughty drawings and messages, that kind of fun stuff. My question is, what's the purpose of this grey, black, and green with brown images? How do they affect the final result? Also, looking through the outfit folders, there are files named, for example, Nude_D.dds, Nude_C.dds, Nude_N.dds, Nude_S.dds. Does D, C, N, S mean something? Anyway, I'm currently painting on this file with photoshop [i converted the dds file to psd, edit it, convert it to dds and try it out], figuring out the layout on Haydee's body. Is there a reason to this image being different to the first picture above (the one at the right side of the grey one)? Again, thank you for all your incredible work. EDIT: I just added Apposum083 Nurse costume but it looks like this. What could have gone wrong?
  3. GuachaLover23, I just wanted to say, thank you for this incredible work. There's lot of us who enjoy this kind of things, and I'm really grateful for this. Btw, I've just recently started using Ink reshuffle ver.4.7 for DoA ver. 1.4. Trying out the Angelnoka super erect version for costume 4 resulted in a white penis [though it looks kinda like a cocksleeve, so I'm fine with that], for costume 5 (or was it 3? I'll check later) the result was a full-white body. It works perfect with other costumes though. I've encountered similar problems with other mods from different authors on different costume slots, like missing hair or white penises for the men, which most of the time can be easily solved by using another costume slot. Is this due to my version of ink reshuffle or DoA, or am I doing something wrong? Again, thank you for all your work, GuachaLover and every modder in here (I've yet to go and thank all the authors of the incredible mods I've been trying out recently).
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