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  1. I am trying to create a mod that creates spells to teleport you to different areas of a Goma Pero Land. When I assign the property Loc01 to a Goma Pero Land cell the spell loads me into an infinite void where I am falling for ever, just a sky box around me. To see if there was something wrong with my script I assigned Loc01 to the vanilla cell AbandonedPrison01 and the spell worked as intended. I have tried different Goma cells and different references in each of those different cells but nothing is working. Am I missing something? Scriptname TeleportSpell extends ActiveMagicEffect ObjectReference Property Loc01 Auto Event OnEffectStart(Actor akTarget, Actor akCaster) Utility.Wait(0.5) Game.FadeOutGame(False, True, 2.0, 1.0) Game.GetPlayer().MoveTo(Loc01) Game.EnableFastTravel() Game.FastTravel(Loc01) EndEvent
  2. Looking for this armor. It's called Lavie Leaf Armor. It originates from this website. The website doesn't provide a link and the creator doesn't seem to be answering the requests for the link. Can anyone provide a link to it?
  3. I used to have the armor mod from here: http://lavieenmods.b...m-mod-cbbe.html I had a hard drive crash and no longer have the files, and unfortunately the download link seems to be gone from the site. Am I just not seeing it? Can anyone upload the files for me? I don't mean to go around the creator but I can seem to find a way to message him/her either.
  4. I have. No response. I was just hoping someone had the files on hand.
  5. I used to have the armor mod from here: http://lavieenmods.blogspot.com/2016/09/lavie-leaf-armor-skyrim-mod-cbbe.html I had a hard drive crash and no longer have the files, and unfortunately the download link seems to be gone from the site. Am I just not seeing it? Can anyone upload the files for me? I don't mean to go around the creator but I can seem to find a way to message him/her either.
  6. Don't Get Stuck (proud elephants) - delicate steve a really cool instrumental song.
  7. Been lurking forever. So hello!
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