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  1. yes, looks like you're using the wrong version of apropos, and also that your database files seem to be out of place/ or missing. I will not support the new (2015) version of apropos, It's quite a lot of work and, I'm not actually playing skyrim anymore. The source code is in the download, so if some autohotkey experienced person wants to try fixing it they're welcome. (but some warning. it's code is pretty messy and undocumented, ) best way to go about it would be to rewrite the whole logfile-parsing part of the program.. and remove the female-female scene part because thats in the new version anyway. So that's it, I probably will not be back on LL for some time. It was fun maintaining the mod and I'm glad lots of people liked it.
  2. Im getting a log similar to this every time my game crashes with more nasty critters installed. (im also running requiem and hunterborn. are any known incompatibilities? ) I don't get crashes (or at least not as often) without more nasty critters. Edit: nvm. this Crashes were vram related.
  3. Did you do both? 2. enable 'enable debug messages' in the Apropos MCM. 3. enable 'enable detailed trace messages' in the Apropos MCM. sound to me like you might have skipped #3.
  4. Ok, tried to make a fix, but I'm not entirely sure how skyrim becomes 'always on top'. As I could only find a, ´reactivation of tesv.exe´ after each line has faded out. and this also restacks the windows so tesv.exe is on top (so not alwaysontop), so actually there shouldn't be any permanent 'ontopping' of skyrim here, unless i missed something Anyway as I wasn't quite sure what to disable so, I put some possible toggles in there. (one of which might still leave the fps fix active) Apropos Utility v0.5.1.exe.zip To update just download this file, copy it to the same dir as the 0.5 version and add these lines to your settings.ini file. (under the [settings] heading) ;set to 1 to disable the FPS optimizer which keeps skyrim active and on top (fps fix might still work if you set disableontopscript2=0) disableontopscript1=1 disableontopscript2=1
  5. good to hear the fix worked, you could try to mess with the [Papyrus] fUpdateBudgetMS=1.8 fExtraTaskletBudgetMS=3.2 values in your skyrim.ini, some ini tweaks recommend 800 for both, i think that setting is asking for trouble.. but there seems to be less delay when you raise them a bit (few milliseconds) above the default settings (1.2) allowing more time for papyrus scripts to run each frame. Could I turn that fix off? I kind of like being able to alt-tab in and out of skyrim freely, since I have a second monitor for that purpose. Not really, maybe I'll add the option in a future update, if there will be one... But a simple workaround would be to bind a shortcut to set skyrim to not be always on top. I was gonna write you a quick script to do just that, but this one will work fine, http://img.labnol.org/di/always-on-top.zip (source: http://www.labnol.org/software/tutorials/keep-window-always-on-top/ ) it's a Autohotkey script, which allows you to toggle a window being always on top by pressing control+space. (so just press that before you alt-tab) (I actually have a similar script running every time windows starts, those always on top windows are pretty useful once you get used to it)
  6. I've done some updates to try and minimize the low fps problem some people were experiencing. basically whenever a message is not shown, skyrim now is the topmost and active window. I also worked out a way to remove the apropos notifications so you just see the ones in the overlay. (requires replacing some apropos script files). I made is so the text is now auto centered when changing the position and you can now change the font size and opacity with shortcuts. I also added a short (or long depending on settings) fade in and out effect, of the text.
  7. I dont think I can fix this at my end, looks like a video card driver issue. try updating your drivers, or possibly try some different settings for onetweak.ini changing the video hook option might help. I also saw theres a recent beta version maybe that fixes it.
  8. Hey, Use this torrent for IVONA voices... Hope it helps ! DLL's fer the 1.6.6 an I have the 1.7 x64 so IDK if it will make it stop working or tell registry not to let it run. :/ I'll try it anyway when my trial runs out. TY! I compiled the program as 32bit, so it uses the 32bit voice sapi. thing with the cracked version is that voices which have allready expired the trail wont work even with the cracked dll. although i think you can trick it by changing your system time.
  9. I see some problem with your paths, some of the paths need the filename at the end. try changing to: ; path to Apropos.0.log logpath = C:\Users\VA_Alucard\Documents\My Games\Skyrim\Logs\Script\User\Apropos.0.log ;allow searching the files in th db folder to create a history file for easy editting of last used lines. (0 = off, 1 = on) searchfiles = 1 ;notepad location ( use np++ for line lookup) notepad_path = C:\Windows\notepad.exe ;apropos database path apropos_db = C:\program files (x86)\steam\steamapps\common\Skyrim\Data\Apropos\db
  10. ah ok I see, theres a setting I forgot to put in the ini, text_width = it defaults to 1600. so just add that line and set it to your screen width and you should be fine.
  11. DOH. Llololol. Yeah that was it. TYTY! BTW how to change teh font? I change it in ini but it stays too large for my tiny screen, so msg always ends too soon. change textsize in the ini. maybe change the text part of the settings .ini, to something like. ; text settings textopacity = 200 textsize = 12 textcolor = ffffff shadowcolor = 000000 ; text settings font = Futura fontweight = 300 shadowdistance = 2 ; text alignment text_align = center as for the 'mssg always ends too soon' part of your question, I'm not sure what you mean, but if you mean the line stays on screen for too short time, you can change the duration, by adding to the showtime 'showtime = ' Or you might have to position the overlay so it doesnt get cut off by your screen, you can position the text using ctrl+shift+ arrowkeys. hope that helps
  12. I cant disable the apropos default text messages, so yes they will still appear, it's normal . . the CPU increase, should not be too much if you are using the latest version. (first dl 0.4.1, then unzip 0.4.2 in the same directory and run the updated version) there used to be an error in 0.4.1 where if your db directory was set incorrectly it would do a endless search and hog all cpu, so if that is what you are experiencing try updating. no that's not normal, running the game in windowed mode does have some fps impact but not the 20 fps drop you are experiencing. if there is no fps drop when just running windowed, be sure you are running the latest version, and check if you configured this utility correctly. first download 0.4.1, then unzip the 0.4.2 update in the same directory and run the updated version
  13. update is online:) changelog: v 0.4.2 - hopefully finally fixed the QGREP problem, so now database search really times out if nothing is found, (so no more QGREP hogging all your cpu if descriptions aren't found in database) - pressing alt+f12 will shift focus to overlay, so hotkeys for third party screenshot apps will register, then it will send the hotkey ctrl+alt+f12. I use screenshot program picpick and configured it to use ctrl+alt+f12 as screenshot hotkey. (only program I could find that got the overlay to appear on screenshots.)
  14. Just took another look at the qgrep problem, I indeed fucked up and it only stops the host process if nothing is found, while the qgrep keep searching forever, I'll get a fix up later tonight.
  15. Yes the qgrep are part of this application, they search apropos database files for the lines. if they dont terminate this usually happens when you have set the wrong directory for the database in the settings.ini and it can't find any lines. but this should be fixed in version 0.4.1, I'll try some more tests, to see if my fix worked.
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