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SLL MCM Fuctionality

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Is it expected that the MCM not be responsive to input at this point in time?  I have a hard time telling if any of my inputs are being put into effect, and the sex diary has never updated.  Voice volume definitely isn't adhering to my settings, the freecam hotkey is ineffective, both face and mouth animations are unresponsive (used separately as recommended, or together).


Otherwise everything is working perfectly.  Animations and scenes execute with no major complaints, and any plugins I have are working in conjunction with the animation framework.  I know information is being handled by SLL between other plugins.  Using Flower Girls to initiate scenes, and Fertility Mode to consequence.  So FG is calling for SLL animations, they play accordingly, and if a "creampie" animation is used, FM will register it as an insemination.


Now, down in the technical section I do have all requirements installed correctly, but the requirement list is entirely grayed out.  I recall way back in Oldrim I had a similar problem (specifically the MCM registering the required components; but I can't remember what other issues I had at the time) I don't remember what was done to get the MCM registering the requirements, but someone helped me get SL to look in the right place for them.  If my memory serves me correctly, after that I didn't have any further problems.

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