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SexoutBrutalRapers FemaleonMale rape only doing oral? Intended?


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So before I Switched over to SexoutBrutalRapers (20120901), I was still using SexoutRapers last release.


Within SexoutRapers, Females would rape males with vaginal sex as well as oral. With SexoutBrutalRapers, I can stand in the dance room in Gamorrah and only end up being forced into oral sex by the females.


I have deleted all my mods, created a clean save, and installed the newest versions+ newest version of NVSE, so I'm assuming it's not a versioning issue.


Is this intended behaviour? The search apparently ignores the word "oral", so I can't search the SexoutBrutalRapers thread.


If it is intended behaviour, is there a console command I can use to change the random flag, or maybe something in geck, so it'll include the other animations?


Thanks to any who can help.

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