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Brainstorming a sex-based perk/spell system


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A completely different idea: Your 'sex magic' strength depends upon how much sex you had recently. If that strength is high enough, you can cast better versions of regular spells. If the player wish to cast as stronger version of an adapt spell, the player must have reached the adapt level in the 'sex magic' skill tree, and have a high enough 'sex glow'.


Each time the player has sex, her sex glow increases by 3. But after each 6 hours, the player looses one. With perks this can be increased to 9 and 12 hours. This means that she looses her special skills if it has been too long since she had sex.

  • Novice:
    The dragonborn can get her sex glow up to 3
    The dragonborn requires a sex glow of 2 to cast novice spells.
  • Apprentice:
    The dragonborn can get her sex glow up to 5
    The dragonborn requires a sex glow of 4 to cast Apprentice spells.
  • Adept:
    The dragonborn can get her sex glow up to 7
    The dragonborn requires a sex glow of 6 to cast Adept spells.
  • Expert::
    The dragonborn can get her sex glow up to 9
    The dragonborn requires a sex glow of 8 to cast Expert spells.
  • Master:
    The dragonborn can get her sex glow up to 11
    The dragonborn requires a sex glow of 10 to cast Master spells.

If the dragonborn is a master 'sex addict' and has her sex glow up to 11 (and invested in some perks), then after 24 hours, she can no longer cast master-spells. This can be troublesome in larger dungeons. Thus the 'increase arousal' spell and 'seduction' spell to have sex with enemies. A perk can increase the effect of the arousal spell and lower the required arousal of the seduction spell.


You can use the spells from other tree's, but make them cost half the magicka, and/or allow the player to summon the spell a little bit quicker (75% of the original time), and/or have the effect last twice as long. You can 'borrow' the perks from the other skill tree's (and combine some effects into one perk). Or let these skills be influenced by the perks in the other skill tree's.


Anyway, I hope you like this idea, although it is completely different to what you have right now.

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I love anything that takes in use SLA, as it is by far my favorite mod. I've been toying around with an idea about tying Arousal into regular gameplay, and I'm very pleased to see someone else picking up on it as well. Specifically, I'd want arousal, sexual addiction and edging to be usable for a functional chaste bondage experience for my characters. 

At the core, the two most important factor would be current Arousal and TimeRate. Arousal would function as the 'mana', so to speak, with TimeRate as the magnitude. You'd spend X arousal to use the ability, but the force of the ability would be tied to the strenght of TimeRate. Since TimeRate also associates with Arousal gain, it'd be doubly potent - you'd want it high to get Arousal faster to amplify abilities more often, but you'd also want it high to have the amplified abilities be more potent. 


Now, since TimeRate is multiplied by days since last orgasm as a factor for arousal gain, some way to force orgasms or hamper TimeRate-gains could be needed to stop Arousal from just returning to 100 after use for chastised characters and so on. Perhaps usage of the abilities would reduce TimeRate, making the magnitude drop (and the character require new orgasms to recharge them?)


Anyhow, I'm thinking three forms of abilities fuelled through Caster Arousal - 1. Unique spells, 2. Unique powers, 3. Assist-casted spells.


1 is rather convensional - the spells would be quite weak versions of some of the convensional spells, but would increase in power if the character was sufficiently aroused. For example, let's say we have a Potent Firebolt, which does 10 damage +TimeRateMagnitude in damage. TimeRateMagnitude would only trigger if the character was sufficiently aroused - say, 30 Arousal - and would drain on cast, 10 Arousal * ExposureRate arousal. 


In effect - character casts spell, game checks Arousal level, if above 30, damage of spell is increased from 10 (+ destruction modifiers) to 10 + (destruction modifiers) * (TimeRateMagnitude). It then reduces caster arousal by ExposureRate*10 (normally 20, unless in chastity or ExposureRate is changed). If arousal would be below 30, the regular spell of 10 damage would be cast, with no change to damage or arousal.


2 is much the same as 1, but without the associated mana cost and spell training, costing only Arousal (and triggering a ability cooldown). Great if you want non-magical options for Arousal usage. Imagine something akin to the vanilla Orc damage resistance, but the duration being tied to TimeRateMagnitude * Arousal, meaning the higher sexual addiction and the higher current arousal of the character, the longer the ability would last on activate. 


3 would be a channelable spell which would cause any other activated spell during the time of channeling to activate the Arousal usage and TimeRateMagnitude part. Not sure if this is actually doable, but I see this method of being most compatible with other mods modifying magic, as you don't need new abilities as far as I can see.


There should of course also be abilities focusing on target Arousal, but I haven't thought that far yet.

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Some thoughts:


Put more attention on the spell part, for example


Dancing spell: you cast this spell to start a dance that give buffs to your followers

summon dance: dance to summon a monster to attack the enemy, if you stop dance the monster died


sex spell: you cast this spell to your self, in 5 seconds if you sex with someone the spell attack the enemy

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Really, this should be able to be used against the PC as well to serve as a backstop against just walking around with constant high arousal. i.e. NPCs can use fondle/seduce/arouse/force orgasm on the PC, and if you're already at high arousal you'd masturbate/orgasm and enter knockout state or SexLab Defeat.


For that matter spells 2-4 can all be streamlined. Have a general "tease" function that includes the fondle animation, boost's target arousal and gives a chance of target orgasm/sex, scaling with how horny the target is when the spell is cast. So if the target is close to 100 arousal there's a really good chance the tease spell will result in target masturbation or sex and pacify. Maybe include a small risk that the player will be raped instead. As I said above, if NPC's can also use this spell on the PC it gives you incentives against having a high arousal for too long.

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