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Body Mods and Armor Conversions


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I've been using CBBE and Bodyslide. I just recently noticed that there are some armor mods out there that are Bodyslide compatible. I can change the shape of my character's body as many times as I want to, and have the armor conform to the new body without touching the armor's files at all.


Is it possible to create a program similar to Bodyslide that can be used with all body mods? Any body mod could be converted to use this program. Any armor mod using either Caliente's Bodyslide or the new program could fit on any body using said program. A step by step walkthrough could be included to allow users to modify bodies made by less known or more stubborn modders.


If a program like this could be made, it would change the way armor conversions are handled by the modding community. So far, I'm still waiting for a CBBE conversion of all Dawnguard armors while UNP already has a full conversion. With a universal version of bodyslide, nobody would be stuck waiting for a conversion for their specific body. Users of more obscure mods, such as ladybody, could have access to more armor mods. Only issue left would be the texture issue.

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I asked Caliente for more information about Bodyslide. It would seem that as long as the body mod is using the exact same slider system as the armor mod, and as long as the body mod's proportions are somewhat reasonable (eg: beachball sized breasts will cause some issues if the armor is designed for an a cup), then the armor should be able to modify itself to fit the body.


We'll use the vanilla skyrim body as the base for this example. When working with a body mod, any areas that are smaller than the vanilla body are assigned negative values, any areas that are larger are assigned a positive value. A file is created which records the differences between the base body and the body being currently used. When an armor mod using this slider system is installed, all of the changes recorded in this file are applied to the armor. So everything is compatible as long as the the armor and body use the exact same system. The resulting slider system would be too difficult to manually manipulate because of the number of sliders required, but it could eventually develop a more user friendly interface if anyone wanted to do some tinkering.

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