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[W.I.P.] 3D nude custom body mesh


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I've a body mesh I want to convert for Oblivion use (and eventually for Skyrim), but I don't have time and knowledge to do so.

I've exported a .3ds (3Dstudio) format, that can be exported and imported very well in Blender and Nifskope.

The body I need to refine is the central one, It's a mix of the right upper body (more muscular) and the left lower body.

I've left some part of foot, neck and hand for better cutting of them if necessary. The mesh must be scaled to Oblivion-like height.

The only seam is in the abdomen region, It's necessary to make the weighting, texturing and to smooth the lower border of the abdomen with the upper border of the waist (not viceversa).

You can make every tweak you think is necessary for making the work better, I only request compatibility with Roberts feet (DMRA or HGEC type, like those here http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35358 http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/35501) and with smaller hands (http://oblivion.nexusmods.com/mods/38213).

You can also make your own variation starting from this.

I'll plan to make a thinner version for who have a less more round body taste, and with the goal of creating the counterpart for the 0 body mesh in Skyrim.

Also you can suggest a name for the body.

The original was made with DAZ 3d studio and some plugins (a basic 1-2-3 click here and there work), if anyone want more info please PM me.

I hoped to do more, but I lack of time and skills.

If someone of you kind modders want to help, I'll be very grateful.

Attached pics are views in Nifskope, The Y and Z axis are inverted when imported in Blender.

Thank you.


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