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First Stage Animation Stuck

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First of all sorry for my english. After I start an animation, and I press space to go to the second stage I can't return to the first stage, the actors stands one in front of each other. The first stage is the only one bugged I can for exampla easily go from the third to the second one without problems (keys shift+space). I can't understand why. If I'm not wrong this didn't happen with 1.59c.
And important... it only happens after some time like 1 or 2 minuts... at the begginning I can return to the first stage without problems.

I opened a topic like this lot of time ago and a man told me that I may have a timer applied to the first stage and to check it in a file in my directory but I don't know how to do this. I copy to you the answer: "i find that the problem only seems to present itself when the first stage has a timer applied to it.


if the animation is part of a SLAL Pack you could try editing its source file to remove the timers from the first stages, then run the SLAL Python3 script (SLAnimGenerate.pyw) to rebuild/recompile it." 


I don't know how to do this, and this happens even with NSAP that's not of SLAL. This happens with every animations, slal nsap etc...


P.S: I've got the original legendary edition on steam, not cracked not hacked.


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