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Setting up a gangbang.

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I'm trying to figure out the best mods to create a gang-bang scene.


I've been trying to create screenshots of lore-friendly sex scenes ie, recreating the male and female player characters conceiving Shaun in a park, which is mentioned in a sarcastic dialog option. Or more darkly. Cait's implied 5 years of sex slavery and 3 years of horny raiders in the combat zone.


Looking through Cait's dialog i stumbled upon what might just be the most depraved line in the series: A cut line that implies public gangrape.


The setup is asking her why she is paranoid about debts. The in-game line is her irritably saying she doesn't want to talk about it. Presumably irritated because it's she had been implying sexual favors. But the cut line lays it out that she felt close friends with one raider in the combat zone, only for him to get pissed off when she refuses to sleep with him. Their argument gets heated and she walks out of the combat zone, only to get ambushed by raiders who beat her and seemingly gangraped her infront of the combat zone. With the one raider walking off saying now she will think twice before walking out on him.


I can see why it was cut since it's sorta the height of depravity, and really early in her affinity conversations. But naturally It's great screenshot material. So i'm hoping there's a mod or mods to help me portray it well.

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