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ENB help getting a particular look.

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Hi everyone. I'm trying to achieve a certain look for fallout and I just can't seem to obtain it.


I'm posting a link (examples) here http://aeon--soul.deviantart.com/gallery/


And I'll try to post some pics here








The thing isn't so much color as it's just the depth. The images just have this level of depth that make them look not so much "real" but like they're in a diorama or figures on display. I just can't explain it. I see it a lot with daz and other 3d programs, they just have this look of detail and I always end up with fallout looking, well, flat.


I'm hoping that someone here has the knowledge to explain to me what causes this difference and if it can be achieved via some method. I assumed it's the lighting, and maybe an ENB would be able to get me the results I'm looking for. I could be wrong, it happens often that I am.


Any help or guidance would be wonderful.

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Looking at that second pic, you can kind of get that color/shade. You won't have that detail ever, as that is a render and wouldn't be possible in an actual game like Fallout.


ENB wise, check out Bold Bleach ENB, as it has a similar shade to what you see there. That or Uncanny Eye. Lighting wise, Fr4nsson's Light Tweaks with ELFX work really nice together. I use the Indoor Only version of Fr4nsson's, and use Darker Nights for outdoor. ENB Lights Overhaul will get you those nice glowing lights as well (recommend using their bloom settings from their Clean ENB as well to make them look just right, then manually adjust it).


Weather is going to matter for the right lighting as well. Just like time of day too. It won't always look just like your screenshots at all times of the day/night, but you can get it close during certain hours.


It is always hard to try to match an ENB/Shader or whatever to stuff like what you have there. Cause those renders are designed with the perfect lighting and colors for that picture exactly. With weather, lighting, time of day, and mods in an actual game, you'll never get it as good as those are. But you can get close if you try. Just expect the perfect moment of when you think you have it, to get ruined by a simple bit of rain or the sun changing direction. :P


Hope that helps you somewhat get started.

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