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[IDEA] Make sex with Vampire lord more...interesting

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Well, vampire lord is...vampire and I want him to show this in his sex scenes. Let him bite the Dragonborn's neck and suck her (or...his) blood (this would be actually lifesteal) while fucking with player. After sex scene player becoms a vampire and gains the [VAMPIRE LORD'S MARK]. When marked Vampire lord will teleport to player and fuck him again. Additionally [MARK] is reducing player's max health and magicka by 5%. Stacks after every sex scene. When players max health below "N" hp (should be MCM option) he teleports to Vampire lord's cave and becomes a slave (or prisoner. Don't know how to name it). Player looses all his inventory items and becoms a sexdoll/living food. Now Dragonborn has 2 options: 1)die by being fucked and bitten every "N" hours (MCM option). 2) try to defeat Vampire lord with magick. After killing Vampire lord Dragonborn loosing his [MARK], geting back all his health, magicka and items, but he is still vampire.

So what do you think? Thank for reading this ^^

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