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Fridge and Art


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This is my first post so tell me if things go awry, but other wise this is just a mash of "art" that I put into the game. None of the art is mine and full credit goes to the original artist. I also made a fridge because I liked the "Bachelors Fridge" by Podyssey and thought I'd give it a try. The only thing with that is the sides of the fridge are copies of one another so I made it go against the wall on its right side. I don't know if that made sense but it will once you see it. Other wise cheers!


Starting from the top down for downloads there is:
- Calendar which is 1 swatch and called "Sextember Calendar"
-FridgeMachine which is 1 style for 6 colours. Called "Fridge machine 2000." It's also the cheapest fridge model so yeah.
- Large poster 4 swatches, called "Biggie Poster" in game
-PicPostSmall is 8 swatches and called "no boys allowed poster"
-Rock poster is 5 swatches, 2 are just colour variants. Called "Typical kids poster"
-Singer Poster and small comic are 6 total pinned posters called "Comic poster" and "comic page" in game
-spaceposter is a 2 swatch and you need Get To Work DLC. Called "Big and small poster"
-Small frame is 3 swatch and called "exxxtra small picture"
-Or there is the Mod Art download which is the merged package of all the downloads


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Hi Vagneto, thank you, everything is ok on my system, posters, pictures, paintings... Great job !

I did not tried the fridge cause I only use the best fridge model (my sims are snobs. Hahaha !) but thank you anyway. :)

Thanks for letting me know, enjoy!

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Amazing. Could you make a single link for those who want everything? Thanks.

Should be one there now called "Mod Art," about a 20 MB download. 

can I change the name of the Fridge package file and have it still work?  it's replacing the bachelor fridge because they have the same name.  Either way, could you change the name of the package file, even just to Fridge1 or something so it can co-exist peacefully with the bachelor fridge?

You should be able to rename either one no problem, but none the less I changed the name to "fridge machine" if you want to redownload. 

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Very good Mod! How can I put my own personal art in the game?





Here is a link to a helpful video if you want to do your own art. The only thing he doesn't mention is that you can resize the image but only to 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048... etc. The dimensions of the image have to be one of those lengths or it won't look correct in game.  

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Very good Mod! How can I put my own personal art in the game?





Here is a link to a helpful video if you want to do your own art. The only thing he doesn't mention is that you can resize the image but only to 64, 128, 256, 512, 1024, 2048... etc. The dimensions of the image have to be one of those lengths or it won't look correct in game.  



Thanks! I will check it!   :)

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