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Creation Kit Help - at my wits end

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Sorry if this is the wrong part of the site to ask this question or if I'm just being a knobhead, but I've run into an issue trying to use the CK.

Basically, I cannot open or edit scripts through the CK. Any script I try to open just slams me with the error message in the attached image.

Now I'm pretty new to modding, I'll admit. I have verified the files the CK is looking for are in fact where they should be. I've had the CK working before using Notepad ++ as my external editor and everything seemed to be working fine. I've reinstalled the CK many times now, always in the same directory as Fallout 4 itself and I've also followed instructions for getting the CK and Notepad ++ as well as Sublime Text to work together, but no luck. I've found no guide or tutorial that's helped me fix this. Again, sorry if I'm just being stupid, but I'm at a loss for how to correct this.


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