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Custom Magazines Cause Crash (texture assistance)

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Hey guys. Looking for someone who is familiar with texture editing that can maybe help me in figuring out what I am doing wrong here.


I downloaded Editable Comics from Nexus and have been using it to create my own magazine covers. Mostly vintage pin ups by Elvgren and Vargas stuff with a bit of Boris, Sorayama, and Serpieri. I thought it came out pretty good while trying to keep it all themed to each magazine.


Any ways, that's besides the point. Problem I'm having is they cause my game to crash. Have a simple bat command I made for testing to spawn them all at my feet so I could see how they turned out when I got them finished, but every time I use it, game crashes. Command works fine without the edits and they all spawn, but when I put my textures in, they crash.


So at first I thought it was the dimensions. I went to check them all again. Made sure the low res versions were 512x512. Some were a bit off, so fixed them. Checked the hi res versions and made sure they were 1024x1024. Only a few were off, so fixed them as well. Still they crashed when I tried to spawn them in game.


So thought maybe it was the compression I used. I originally saved them as BC3/DXT5 (Gimp dds plugin) which caused a crash. So thought maybe that wouldn't work. So I went through them all and changed it to BC1/DXT1. Still they crash when I try to spawn them in game.




So overall, I'm not sure what else is wrong. Maybe it is the compression format, I'm just not wanting to go through them all again and try all the different ones. These are the ones I have offered to me by Gimp:






BC4/ATI1 (3dc+)

BC5/ATI2 (3dc)


Alpha Exponent (DXT5)

YCoCg (DXT5)

YCoCg scaled (DXT5)


I'm not too savvy on this stuff, so I'm just going to assume one of these is the cause of my issues. Cause otherwise, I'm not sure what could be the problem. Any assistance would be helpful. Went through a lot of work to get these made and would hate to just abandon it all. And who knows, I might just upload it here if someone actually likes it. Thanks guys. ;)

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Forget it. Figured it out myself.



Apparently the Gimp dds plugin doesn't work for Fallout 4, or at least, doesn't work with creating new textures. Can use it to edit existing textures fine, but when making new textures from scratch, it doesn't work.


So I tried it in Photoshop with the Nvidia dds plugin and it all worked just fine.

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