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is requiem the rpg overhaul compatible with sexlabs framework and other mods?


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I hear requiem does a lot of stuff, but it is only one mod (one that does a lot of stuff) and at least I won't be required to spend much time guessing which mods in a list of 100 are making trouble. 


If it's too hard for me to make the the two of these compatible my second choice will be the whole ensemble of enaisiaion mods. He claims that mods like wildcat and apocalypse and so on are all fairly light on scripting.

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I sometimes run Requiem and I still have SL framework and various mods going, but the only one that I keep on that has anything to do with combat is Defeat.  The thing about requiem is it's alterations are pretty much all centered around maintaining a specific level of balance, anything that doesn't conform to that balance will absolutely be 100% worthless.  Base game Skyrim, an iron sword does like, what, 6 damage or something at the beginning of the game, no perks?  And a lot of mods tend to be balanced more or less around what you can expect from what Skyrim itself provides.  Requiem changes that iron sword to something closer to about 50.  Likewise, a lot of npcs and stuff are either tweaked to keep them challenging in that new, more dangerous environment, because if they're not they die in about half a hit, or are cannon fodder that are just there to charge you with one power attack and kill you instantly at the start of the game before you can do the same to them.

The point of this is that if you're using mods that are combat oriented, like Defeat, you're probably going to have trouble getting it to work well, since you'll spend a lot of your time dropping from full health to none at all when you take a hit, or enemies of some kind (Things In The Dark, for instance) will die way faster than they should.  The bottom line is, Requiem will absolutely break the balance of anything not actually designed to be played with it.


Now, Requiem does come with a patcher of its own, but I don't think it covers that much, exactly.  In fact, I set up requiem myself again the other day, for the first time since the patcher was introduced for it and I read something about it doing essentially the minimum needed to make lists and stuff not conflict too bad, almost like a lightweight bashed patch, and it wasn't a substitute for an actual compatibility patch with any given mod.


Bottom line is Requiem in my experience has never outright broken anything SL related, but no mod that I've seen on this site is balanced for Requiem, so anything added by those mods will not fit with the kind of numbers you can expect from the overhaul itself.  So whether Requiem isn't an option for your SL setup is really down to which mods you like to use and whether some things being out of balance will bother you much.  I personally disable all my mods that add npcs, weapons, armour or really whatever could be out of balance with Requiem's damage levels, unless I can find an actual, up to date compatibility patch, so when I play with Requiem my load order gets way smaller.

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