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How to get a cbbe body To show speciffically on my Player Body?

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I dunno how

What i want is this mod:

That Gym Booty CBBE Bodyslide Preset and Looksmenu Preset


To be in my game but appear on my PLAYER CHARACTER only.

currently i tried installing it first with Cbbe, then Bodyslide, then Unique player, then Unique Player Bods - Bodyslide preset,

but after multiple attempts and google searches still couldn't get it to work the way I wanted.

Like have that one on my player character and other npc's have a different body?

Anyways any help is appreciated!



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Unique Player only give you a unique nude body mesh and textures to your character.

If you really want her to keep that unique shape you have to use the Gym Booty preset (looking nice thought) with clothes/armor only weared by your character.

And batch build all "generic/vanilla" outfits with a standard preset for other npc.

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If you're using looksmenu and bodyslide...the newest versions. You just build a body with the sliders zeroed and morphs enabled, then you can adjust the body as you want in game or use the presets. 


Then as mentioned above you can use BodyGen to assign it to npcs. or click on the npc enable the looksmenu and use the preset...although that might clear out their normal appearance. 


I'm kinda wishing the body presets and face presets were separate.

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