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[Search] Mods for a fresh start that make Skyrim interesting again

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I'm currently starting Skyrim all over again after a one-year break with a fresh setup of mods. The main issue is that I played Skyrim for so long over the last couple of years, I know almost every corner and quest.


The challange is to mod the game such that exploring becomes worthwile again.


What I have so far:

- MorrowLoot Ultimate http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/66105/? for item progression

- SPERG http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/24445/? for perks (even though I already used that one; alternative suggestions welcome!)

- An abundance of mods that add new quests and locations

- ESO Skyshards http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/81393/?

- Forgotten Dungeons http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/57979/?

- Skyrim Undergroundhttp://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/75004/?



Basically, ESO Skyshards is a perfect example for mods that I am looking for - mods that make existing places interesting again.


If you have any suggestions, I'd be happy to hear about them :)

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First of all: Have you tried Enderal? It's quite good!


My advice would be to find a mod that gives you a new playstyle. If the mechanics change, then you start looking for different things when you explore. For example, some mods add recipes for cool things like special enchanted arrows, but you need to explore to find the ingredients.

If you haven't tried frostfall, that mod requires you to really pay your attention to your environment. I found I enjoyed the world more with it installed.

I also like Death Alternative because it allows you to lose without ending the game. This creates all kinds of emergent stories from the gameplay, like getting revenge on enemies who bested you.


Something I've always wanted, but never found, is a mod that lets you add any armor/weapon mods you download to levelled lists so you find them as you explore the game. That would make for a great fresh playthough.


A visual change keeps things fresh, there's no shortage of ENBs. Or retexture mods.



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First of all: Have you tried Enderal? It's quite good!

I've heard that it is pretty good and I actually played the predecessor in Oblivion for quite a while. It's definitly on my list. My main issue is that it HAS to be installed in the Skyrim game directory. As a Mod Organizer user, that sends cold shivers down my spine...



My advice would be to find a mod that gives you a new playstyle. If the mechanics change, then you start looking for different things when you explore. For example, some mods add recipes for cool things like special enchanted arrows, but you need to explore to find the ingredients.

If you haven't tried frostfall, that mod requires you to really pay your attention to your environment. I found I enjoyed the world more with it installed.

I also like Death Alternative because it allows you to lose without ending the game. This creates all kinds of emergent stories from the gameplay, like getting revenge on enemies who bested you.

I absolutely agree that a change in mechanics helps tremendously. That's basically what I am looking for. Skyshards adds a new mechanic as well, in a certain sense.

Alas, Frostfall is not really my cup of tea for two reasons. First, I always play with a "summer climate" overhaul, so there's hardly any snow in my game to begin with. Second, to me it looks like Frostfall and iNeed go down similar alleys - they don't really add something new, they just annoy the player for the sake of roleplaying and realism. There are certainly people who enjoy that, but I'm not one of them. Adding a new mechanic should enable me to do things I wasn't able to do before, not just restrict me. The combat overhaul mods are a good example (e.g. Dark Souls Combat). You get killed a lot faster, but if you are skilled enough as a player you can also kill most enemies in one or two precise attacks. Certainly not for everybody, I must admit, but I really enjoy it.


Something I've always wanted, but never found, is a mod that lets you add any armor/weapon mods you download to levelled lists so you find them as you explore the game. That would make for a great fresh playthough.

I believe there was some mod along these lines. Ut enchanted and tempered the gear as well before distributing it on the leveled lists. It also worked for items added by other mods. I can't remember the mod name, but the primary issue was that it was implemented as a SkyProc tool. Re-generating everything after adding/removing a mod was a real pain and the process took 10+ minutes every time. I would wish for a dynamic version of that mod too! Until then, Morrowloot Ultimate, Interesting Loot and others help us out.


A visual change keeps things fresh, there's no shortage of ENBs. Or retexture mods.

Indeed! Just installed a new HD txture set yesterday and it looks fantastic. I've been a happy RealVision user for years now, but I'm actually considering to switch to Snapdragon ENB now.

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Try Tropical Skyrim, new atmosphere helped me heaps since i cant stand the old bleak look anymore




True. However, the tropical look was a bit too much for me. I am currently using Summer in Skyrim and SCO Summer Edition. I switched to Snapdragon ENB with the "Toon" preset, and it looks wonderful. I'm getting about 50fps in most areas, which is more than enough.



In case someone is interested, here are some other "game changers" that I use:

- Attack Commitment (No turning during attacks; a minor but VERY noticeable change. Goes nicely with dodge mods)

- Ordinator Perk Overhaul

- DUEL & Dark Souls Combat (work nicely together, create very intense fights)

- Book of UUNP (adds a lot of variety to armors, bodyslide compatible)

- World of Bikini Armor (I don't really need to explain this one, now do I? For *immersion* purposes)

- Immersive Weapons

- Morrowloot Ultimate

- Proper Aiming (for people who like to play in 3rd person)

- Genesis (dynamically increased spawns; use with caution, can generate very overpowered groups of enemies, but adds surprise factor)

- The Notice Board (small random quests because why not)

- Knapsack Backpacks (don't know why but I'm in love with those things, they add so much to my immersion; and they are really useful!)


All of the mods above are totally recommended!

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I've touched on a lot of this sort of thing in my build thread.


Some things that leap to mind:

  • Deviously Cursed Loot really changes how dungeons work. The fact that everything can be trapped changes the dynamic a lot by stopping you looting everything!
  • Defeat.  By introducing a failure mode between 'lost the fight' and 'dead, reload' you can really crank up the difficulty because losing fights is no longer fatal. Use with sexlab mortaility, Wear and Tear and every monster replacer/spawner you can find for the full effect.
  • Great Forest of Skyrim & Summer Skyrim & Grass on Steroids. Stealth archer you say? Good luck with that. You won't have a line of sight to anything. Oh, and monsters can easily hide in all the grass. Expect a lot more accidental ambushes and 'wtf is going on' in your fights. Combo with something like Frostfall and remove the compass if you are a real masochist.
  • Realistic coin & arrow weights. No more carrying a billion gold and enough arrows to arm the entire civil war for you.
  • Contraband. No more murdering people in the wilderness and taking their stuff for fun and profit for you. Sure, you may claim they were bandits - but it's not like you left any living witness', is it?
  • Anything that adds more monsters, new monsters, new world map locations or new radiant adventure dungeons is good.
  • Loot and degradation. Monsters can now carry crafted weapons/armour! Yay!...shame they wear out and about that 'cursed loot, anything you loot might be trapped' thing, huh?
  • Traps and Pitfalls. Random encounters in dungeons means they are now more complicated that just walking into sucessive set piece fights.

I think that's some of the core points. For a bit more info about how everything interacts etc,check out my build thread (http://www.loverslab.com/topic/68029-descent-into-debauchery-skyrim-build/)

It has ended up a bit waffly at points, but things like mod lists / load orders etc should be there together with a bit more info as to what I am trying to acheave.

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