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Slow loading textures and meshes

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Recently I started playing Fallout 4 for the first time in a year or so. I've never had these issues before, even with mods.


Every single loading screen took a long time, perhaps thirty seconds or so. Not just the first one.

After playing for a while a lot of the textures looked like they weren't finished loading and some meshes were missing, such as buildings and roads.




When I tried starting a new game, first it was running at 1 fps for perhaps a minute until the frames jumped to a few hundreds. When finally getting to CC the camera was behind the characters and menus nowhere to be found.




Removing the frame cap or turning off the V-sync didn't help at all. I'm not using an ENB currently. I have all the DLC.



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I have a similar issue in terms of the textures. Although the rest not so much.


No one knows the cause of the texture issue where they never fully load and end up looking super low quality. However, some users reported that the texture issue as well as the FPS issue was fixed by installing Boris's ENB. This didn't personally work for me but it's whatever. I have also have a semi-beefy rig that should handle FO4 no matter what I throw at it. 


However, please try the ENB.



With the ENB you can:


1. Limit the FPS to 60

2. Customize the amount of RAM + VRAM FO4 can use which may help with some of your issues.


If the ENB stuff doesn't work, please use this resource for further trouble shooting:


For the disappearing buildings and roads, it's an issue mostly with cells not loading correctly if you have a mod that heavily alters a certain cell. Please try this mod to fix it: http://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/13294/?


Make sure that that mod is ALWAYS last in your load order, otherwise it won't work.


In terms of the camera issue....I'm not too sure exactly. I'm too lazy to go through your load order. However, I can suggest this mod to fix it:



This mod fixes the issue of showing the back of your character during character editing. 


Hope this helps in anyway

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