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Outfit NIF woes. Weight painting? (Help with making Bodyslide conversion)


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So I've been aiming to convert my Neptunia Elin follower mod over into the new MMD anime race, and before I did so, I wanted to have a better outfit for Neptune to use instead of my cheaply made mashup of two vaguely fitting outfit mods that she's currently using. My search led me to a follower mod at http://www.gamemaps.com/details/15693, created using assets ripped from the games. I'm not content with just that, so I wanted to take the outfit(s) included within starting with the Parka One Piece outfit, assign them alpha and textures to hide the existing skin parts since these are model rips, and convert them to UUNP using Outfit Studio, but soon ran into difficulties with that last step.



The outfits come with custom HDT bones in the various bits and bobs, which appeared to lead to catastrophic corruption in the NIFs when OS tried to export them, so I eventually decided to forego the HDT entirely, delete all of the bones included in the outfit (as the mere existence of any of the existing bones seemed to corrupt an export), and try to weight it via copying and weight brushing in OS. I spent some time adjusting the outfit to fit the UUNP body, aaaannnd here's where I found that the NIF becomes corrupt the instant I try to apply any weight painting to it, copied or manual, with the mesh no longer appearing in Nifskope and crashing in-game. Other alterations like moving, scaling, or using the transform brushes on it don't corrupt it, but obviously not being able to weight it leaves my aspirations dead in the water. I even tried to crack open 3DSMax to see if I could figure out how to weight it in there, but that's out of my league yet. (Though if I could learn how to do it successfully there that'd help too)



So would anyone be willing to lend a hand here? Is the corruption because I'm a dumbs and I simply can't work with a NIF the way I'm trying to, or is there something about this NIF that needs working before it can be used for a conversion?

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Of course, if you're willing to take a crack at it:


The original copy from the download in the original post: Parka One-Piece.nif


The copy of the outfit I was working with pre-bone deletion, which was edited to have an alpha property, use different texture paths and had its NiSkinInstance converted to BSDismemberSkinInstance: Parka One-Piece.nif


(Corruption on weight painting occurred with both copies)

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I believe i may have got it

do you have an esp file that adds them to the game so I can try it out and the name so i can get them in console

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Its okay i figured it out and got it working fortunately all i need to do is paint the weights more accurately but it does work so give me a second ;)

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No worries, no rush, I'm not about to get impatient about a favor I couldn't do on my own anyhow, haha. I am just about falling asleep here though, so I'll probably have to get back to you on any testing or results later when it's finished.

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I am not converting it mind you you can convert it to your body after i am just getting the old bone weights out of there for you i have 1 more too do so about 5 more minutes MAX

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Right, I can take care of that stuff easily enough with the hard part done by you, I just mean I won't be able to verify it's all working well before I conk out over here.

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There it is!!


Just some final notes on where I stopped:


1.) I attached the spine[0] weights I believe to the hair its probably better you find some other object with proper head weights to carry over or I can do it later.


2.) The skirt in front some pesky weighting is causing it to jolt out a bit not very noticeable sneaking makes it more obvious but again its not that bad.


hope this helps.

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Working with it as we speak. I seem to be able to copy the breast and butt bones over without corruption this time, but when I copied all bones at once the NIF still seems to go bad for some reason. About to see if I can load it in-game.

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Yeah i wouldn't copy any other bone weights its kind of a delicate balance even the breast weights and belly weights might transfer over to the arms so you have to be careful.


It should of loaded fine as is though. I had to edit multiple weights such as the arms forearms so I would only ever copy the breast, butt and belly weights over.

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Right then. After fitting the outfit to the UUNP body and generating an output, it seems like there's some funky deformation going on?


The pockets being sunken and the zipper being goofed up is a result of me conforming to sliders incorrectly in OS, as can be seen in the following pictures so that should be alright, but the cuffs, hemline and dangly bobs look off as the character moves. Is that a weight issue?


Comparison of the 0-weight NIF in Nifskope and in-game:





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I already conformed the weights to a UUNP HDT body of course after you move it to fit more you'll want to rebuild some of those weights, the weight painting but you need to set a mask on the arms and the tassels and the end of the zipper and repaint them.


Give me the edited version by you i'll take a look.

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Lemme try redoing some of this real quick first? I saved a copy before conforming sliders and copying any weights so I want to address the zipper and pocket issues before trying to fix the weights.

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After tinkering with it a bit more, I think I can fix most of this up from here! I still don't know why copying over all weights at once still corrupts the NIF, but I was able to touch up the breast and thigh weighting without issue and lessen the deformations some, so hopefully that continues to hold true as I continue to fine-tune this. So thanks a lot Atreyatan, your help saved this from being a hopeless project!


I still wanted to ask though, while viewing the weights I noticed the weights for the arm bones like forearm and forearm twist looked rather spotty, was this weighting intentional on your part? Could be the source of the arm deformations.





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The weights on those were left unchanged from the copy, I only painted the weights on the forearm and separated the vertices from the arms and the bag; as well as remove unnecessary weights that transferred over. S yeah you can probably easily redo those if you wish depending on the level of quality you're looking for as since I didn't conform the body to my body type the weights were bound to be all over the place lol.


My goal was to copy the weights over without corrupting the nif and get it working in game.


Unfortunately I don't have all the answer im sill learning how to mess with meshes etc ^^

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