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Morthal Cell Bug


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I see another topic below about the Rising At Dawn Vampirism cure quest, perhaps theres something related to my issue in why the quests don't work for that user but anyway, here we go....


Prior to this, i went to Morthal and did its main quest, Laid To Rest, and before i went to kill the boss (Movarth) i wanted to turn into a Vampire Lord and crush his ass. This didn't work unfortunately, and led to me nearly breaking my Skyrim before simply reverting to a save where VL form worked and avoiding Morthal altogether.


This time around i plowed through the Morthal quest in literaly 4 in game hours, and i came across the same issue, this time i finished the quest, noted that all my Normal vampire things (Better Vampires etc) worked, but i couldn't turn into a Vampire Lord at all.

I figured this had to do with the PrvtI Rings mod which uses exactly the same Vampire Lord script as the one in Better Vampires. So i uninstalled that.


I coc command-ed to Rayek's End to try to solve the issue. So i blanked Better Vampires and reset everything and anything about the mod in game(it saves your current Vampire progress and everything so that was good), upon re-turning into a vampire, my VL transformation and everything started working again.


So i coc command-ed to Movarth's Lair, the cell previously giving me issues, was able to transform there too.


So i figured it wasn't Better Vampires, it wasn't Movarth's Lair Cell, so i ran thru Morthal, slept two hours in the Inn and left, and lo and behold couldn't transform into a Vampire Lord once again. Morthal's music doesn't play, its just silence, but thats just because of a bad edit in the Fantasy Music Overhaul i have( i know because i fixed this once and then realized i'd have to refix it every time i changed the mod order so i ignored it).



I figure this has something to do with Morthal Cell itself, or perhaps having the Rising at Dawn quest active in my journal(in that its in my journal i just ignore it). Personally i have no reason to be in Morthal, and usually only go there for the house ala Hearthfires dlc.


Now my best guess is that the physical Morthal Cell itself is somehow bugging the transformation, either that or something with the Rising at Dawn quest scripts and my Vampire mods. Or something from both is interfereing with Better Vampires in someway.

I'm going to try a few things before simply consigning this to absolute weirdness of Skyrim, but i'd like the people's take on this, as i have don't think this has ever come up before (google-ing it didn't help) and seems quite unique.



Edit : It seems to have resolved, but.....


It might have been Rising At Dawn, because i console completed it, reset my vampirism, and things worked. It might have been a script overload because it seems Dragons love attacking Morthal like no other city in game.(there is a spawn point right above it btw)

Least i never have to go back to Morthal But....


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