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Succubus Wing Block

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So I was just watching a video highlighting EvilReFlex's Succubus Follower/Craftable Armor mod and I noticed at one point that the NPC's wings curved around in front of her almost like she was trying to shield herself from an imaginary attack.  Now, I know that it was simply a side effect of the wings' animation but it got me to thinking.  Wouldn't it be cool if as a succubus when we blocked our wings curled around us like that on purpose to act as a shield?   I know, I know, from a logical standpoint the wings wouldn't be able to take the punishment without getting seriously screwed up.  Then again we are talking about Succubi running around a world with dragons coming back from the dead.


I have zilch knowledge on how to create animations.  I could possibly tap my roommate to teach me since he is going to college for that sort of thing anyway but I figured I'd ask two questions before I ask to take up more of his limited free time teaching me what he may or may not know.   First up, would this even be possible?  Can you add a blocking animation that specifically hooks into the wings without redoing their own animation file(s)?  Second, while I'm going to look at this at the very least for my own use, are there any knowledgeable animation creators out there that would be willing to do it?  If so, just please give me a heads up so I don't spend too many hours in frustration.


Oh third question.  Aside from tapping my roomie for a tutorial, could someone link me to a good primer to get me started?

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