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Modded Skyrim wont load and only allocates 200 MB Ram


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Hi Guys,


i did skyrim install again yesterday after some time but i am encountering an error which i havent ever before. I basically did the same like the last few times but this time i think something went wrong and have no idea what.


First off, i am using Mod Organizer and i started with the STEP guide. After finishing the Step guide i wanted to start skyrim to check if everything is in order. When i start it, i get to the start menu without problems, but once i try to start a new game the game loads forever. In the task manager i can see that the cpu usage is only at 1-2% and ram usage is always just short off 200 MB. If i start the game normally (not through Mod organizer) it starts within seconds. I did this with the TESV. exe and the skse-loader.exe and both time no problems. But once i start the game within mod organizer it wont do anything.


Funnily i had my old backup of my previous installation still available and with that mod organizer folder the game startet without problems. Because many mods have been outdated and i wanted to try different mods i decided to install everything new. I made a clean new skyrim install and a fresh mod organizer install but now i always encouter this error.


Had anyone experienced something similar? I have done this whole install skyrim again and mod the hell out of it several times in the last couple of years but i never encountered this error. Especially after only installing a solid baseline of mods and not even touching "more complex" stuff. The "infinite loading screen" - fix didnt do anything too. I tried searching this error but it seems noone else had this error before. Any help of hints would be appriciated... its the first time in over 6 years i am sitting in front of my skyrim and have no idea what to do or what went wrong...


thank you




Yeah well nevermind.... seems to has been a problem with the modorganizer.ini and skse.... now it goes on with different problems...


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