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Cant get Custom Outfit to use bodyslide presets


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Ive been trying to convert a skyrim cbbe outfit to fallout 4 cbbe. 


I followed a tutorial to convert the outfit and build it in bodyslide, and that works fine, but when i add the outfit into the game with the creation Kit, the outfit uses the default CBBE body, not my bodyslide preset and part of the mesh is folded over. The outfit looks fine in the bodyslide preview, and changing my preset in there works, just not ingame. I did build the outfit in bodyslide. There is also a wet/oil effect on the outfit. i have the oil mod for the body, idont know why ts on the outfit aswell, nor how to remove it.


The steps i took in the creation kit. 


* Load fallout 4 esm

* open a default outfit, change the ID and click yes to create new form

* open the new form, open armour addon, Change the .nif files to the new .nif made my bodyslide, change the ID and click yes to make new AA Form

* delete the default AA-form and load the new AA-form, click ok

* click save, active the new esp in NMM





How do i make the outfit show my bodyslide preset, how do i fix the mesh folding over and how do i remove the wet/oil effect on the outfit without removing it from the body?


First make sure that the Armor Add-on that you are using as a base doesn't have any texture swaps associated with it, as that could be one issue.


Second, make sure that the mesh you are creating in Bodyslide is going into EXACTLY the right directory (by default Outfit Studio/Bodyslide put outfits into the  "armor' subdirectory not "clothes")


For the twisted mesh issue, load up the outfit in OS and then load one of the vanilla dresses (probably the Slinky Dress as that is about the right length) as a Reference and copy bone weights to get the cloth physics bone set.


Make sure that a) you have the correct type and colour intensity of Specular Map. And B) check to see if the BSLightingShaderProperty has the "Environment Map" flag set, and check the .bgsm file and see if a cubemap is specified. c) make sure that all file paths and names are deleted form the "textureset" in the nif in Nifskope, they aren't used by FO4, but if there is an error in the file paths somewhere, it will show instantly as the texture will disappear in Nifskope if it isn't exactly right in the .bgsm file. And FO4 WILL use them if they are present and there is an error in the .bgsm


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