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Has anyone else had this happen to random npcs?


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I believe that have something to do with UUNP Special body and HDT.

-do the affected NPCs sometimes stretch out of the world and try to "reassemble" -if so, it have probably something to do with HDT body.




I have been using a UUNP Special body, and some of the npcs do stretch out of the world but others just vanish. Is there any way to fix it in my current save, or will I have to change the body type and make a different save to fix it?


No way to completely fix it I am afraid but the HDT fix in my Sig has been known to lessen the occurrence of em. 


Btw, stretching things and invisible people are not specific to UUNP Special bofy. it happens to anything using HDT. Give a follower an HDT cloak? it can happen... an HDT hairstyle? I can happen. Boobs is just the one people notice the most because ...let's face it, no one looks a skyrim girl in the eyes anymore.


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