Darky1029 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 Currently playing the mage quest, Labyrithian.Reached a point where quick saving, or regular saving would CTD, i cant even load older saves when im there, but i can i load them from the main menu.Interestingly, i can coc to riverwood and then save the game without any problems.What is the issue here? Papyrus.0.log Load order. P.s. I removed the missing esp after the crashes started. Missing Masters for quicksave.ess:xx Deviously Enslaved.espMasters for quicksave.ess: 00 Skyrim.esm 01 Update.esm 02 Dawnguard.esm 03 HearthFires.esm 04 Dragonborn.esm 05 Unofficial Skyrim Legendary Edition Patch.esp [Version 3.0.3] 06 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esm 07 SexLab.esm [Version 1.61] 08 Schlongs of Skyrim - Core.esm 09 SexLabAroused.esm [Version 2.6] 0A ZaZAnimationPack.esm 0B hdtHighHeel.esm 0C RaceCompatibility.esm 0D HalfDryadElf.esm 0E AzarHair.esm 0F Devious Devices - Assets.esm [Version 2.8.3] 10 Heretical Resources.esm 11 ZazExtensionPack.esm 12 Devious Devices - Integration.esm 13 LevelersTower.esm 14 CreatureFramework.esm [Version 1.0.0] 15 HjakhtraevarrTomb.esm 16 Devious Devices - Expansion.esm 17 KameleonArmor.esm 18 Skyrim Project Optimization - Full Version.esp 19 SkyUI.esp 1A FNIS.esp 1B dD - Realistic Ragdoll Force - Realistic.esp 1C SOS - Smurf Average Addon.esp 1D SOS - VectorPlexus Regular Addon.esp 1E N_43 Hair Pack.esp 1F RaceMenuMorphsCBBE.esp 20 zzEstrus.esp 21 WeightlessPotions.esp 22 EnhancedLightsandFX.esp 23 CollegeOfWinterholdImmersive.esp 24 DarkbroSanctuary.esp 25 Forgotten Dungeons.esp 26 Hothtrooper44_ArmorCompilation.esp 27 SexLab-Stories.esp 28 CWIELnFXPatch.esp 29 Captured Dreams.esp 2A MoreNastyCritters.esp 2B SexLabNudeCreatures.esp 2C SexLabNudeCreaturesDG.esp 2D SexLabNudeCreaturesDB.esp 2E Aradia Devious Expansion.esp 2F SkyrimBound.esp 30 PathOfSorcery.esp 31 Better Vampires.esp 32 WeightlessAlchemyIngredients.esp 33 WeightlessCraftedPotions.esp 34 WeightlessDragonBones.esp 35 WeightlessDragonClaws.esp 36 WeightlessDwemerSmeltables.esp 37 WeightlessFood.esp 38 WeightlessOreIngotsPeltsGems.esp 39 WeightlessScrolls.esp 3A DragonHideRobeArmor.esp 3B Hothtrooper44_Armor_Ecksstra.esp 3C Guard Dialogue Overhaul.esp 3D DSerArcheryGameplayOverhaul.esp 3E Athletics Training.esp 3F BS-TheHag_Overlays.esp 40 Auto Unequip Ammo.esp 41 UIExtensions.esp 42 AddItemMenu2.esp 43 Vampire Eyes Fix.esp 44 TrueBrows.esp 45 Shield Enchantments.esp 46 TMSG.esp 47 TheCoenaculiCBBE.esp 48 BS-TheHag_WarPaints.esp 49 AmazingFollowerTweaks.esp 4A CalienteVanillaArmorTweaks.esp 4B AmuletsofHircine.esp 4C WerewolfPerksExpanded.esp 4D Predator Vision.esp 4E InstantMining.esp 4F Celes Nightingale Armor.esp 50 EstrusChaurus.esp 51 SOSRaceMenu.esp 52 XPMSE.esp 53 LinearSmithing.esp 54 RevengeOfIronDaggersAndLeatherBracersv5.esp 55 dcc-dm2.esp 56 SLATE.esp 57 xo3dBondageFurniture.esp 58 RoyalElven.esp 59 AKSkyrimUnderground.esp 5A HentaiCreatures.esp 5B zHauntedHouse.esp 5C Run For Your Lives.esp [Version 2.0.6] 5D EdhildilsDwarvencyborg.esp 5E Book of UUNP Iron And Steel.esp 5F SOS - VectorPlexus Muscular Addon.esp 60 RaceMenu.esp 61 RaceMenuPlugin.esp 62 RaceMenuOverlays.esp 63 RaceMenuMimic.esp 64 Forgotten DungeonsDLC.esp 65 xazPrisonOverhaul.esp 66 Deviously Cursed Loot.esp 67 Immersive Weapons.esp 68 Schlongs of Skyrim.esp 69 RoyalDaedric.esp 6A SimpleSlavery.esp 6B Vivace.esp 6C TacticalValtheim.esp 6D CoCo_TDM2.esp 6E DawnguardArsenal.esp [Version 1.1.5] 6F Spriggan Armor 2.esp 70 HothFollower.esp 71 HothFollower UFO Patch.esp 72 The Eyes Of Beauty - Elves Edition.esp 73 Daedric Chainmail v2 Standalone.esp 74 OMageReplacerPack.esp 75 Bijin Warmaidens.esp 76 Bijin Wives.esp 77 Bijin NPCs.esp 78 SRG Enhanced Trees Activator.esp 79 SexLabMassMatchMaker.esp 7A KomAnimObjects.esp 7B SLAnimLoader.esp 7C HalfDryadElf.esp 7D Brows.esp 7E KS Hairdo's.esp 7F BlitzConsoleCommandsMCM.esp 80 DeviouslyHelpless.esp 81 HelmetToggle.esp 82 BloodWitchArmor.esp 83 BlackSacramentDBReplacer.esp 84 nightshade_armor.esp 85 GDZZJJDH.esp 86 DibellasRecruit.esp 87 Phenderix's Magic Evolved.esp 88 East Reach House.esp 89 SexLab_Dialogues.esp 8A BatTravel.esp 8B SofiaFollower.esp 8C Glowtastic.esp 8D SexLab-StoriesDevious.esp 8E ElvenChainMail.esp 8F ZariaBootsWeightSliderFix.esp 90 Devious Masque of Clavicus Vile.esp 91 Realistic-Voice.esp 92 Unique Uniques.esp [Version 1.8] 93 DeviousMagic.esp 94 isilNarsil.esp 95 The Paarthurnax Dilemma.esp [Version 1.2.9] 96 Sweet&Sexy Lingerie.esp 97 Naked Dungeons.esp 98 Aeonbarr V2.1.esp 99 Vampirelordroyal.esp 9A When Vampires Attack.esp [Version 2.0.6] 9B Equippable Tomes.esp 9C mayatola UFF.esp 9D Brevi_MoonlightTales.esp 9E DeviouslyTraining.esp 9F Miraak.esp A0 HjakhtraevarrTomb.esp A1 BlackSacramentArmor.esp A2 SGS.esp A3 FCKagrenacsInstantFortress.esp A4 Medusa and Drakul Armors.esp A5 Raven Witch Armor.esp A6 LustmordVampireArmor.esp A7 Mannequin_Female_Vyctoria.esp A8 Neo's Selene.esp A9 Daedric Reaper Armor.esp AA Mavari Armor.esp AB Devious Deviants.esp AC AlduinWing.esp AD Animated Dragon Wings.esp AE TDNEquipableHorns.esp AF Alduin's son.esp B0 AlduinsFangSword2H.esp B1 AlduinsFangSword.esp B2 Blades Light Armor Version 1 - v2.0.esp B3 KameleonArmor.esp B4 Light Elven Armor.esp B5 Insanity's Dragonbane.esp [Version 1.0] B6 Insanity's Craftable Dragonbane.esp [Version 1.0] B7 TrissArmorRetextured.esp B8 EternalShineArmorAndWeapons.esp B9 Devious Devices - Equip.esp BA Real Clouds.esp BB TheEyesOfBeauty.esp [Version 9] BC multipleingotsmelting.esp BD Alternate Start - Live Another Life.esp [Version 3.1.4] BE ccas_starts.esp BF ImmerSlave.esp C0 Devious Bashnag.esp C1 Alternate Start - Live A Deviant Life.esp I loaded the last save before the quicksave of CTD's , it is 11 minutes prior to the quicksave, i can load and save without any problems on that save.I loaded the last save before the quick save and saved it again, to see if it works, right, but i cant load that save game i just saved, but i can load the original. -Update- Crashed 3 times in a row when trying to load the game i had just saved, loaded fine on the 4th attempt. - Why is the game so unstable all of a sudden?Could it be that a mod is suddenly causing all new save games to get fucked?I uninstalled Sexlab Defeat and Death Alternative some time ago, but it started crashing some time after uninstalling them, so i think that is not the issue. Also, i enabled and re enabled some of the mods, but that shouldnt cause problems either. Recently sorted the load order with loot. Could it have made the load order worse? Tried loading the game i saved after loading the Quicksave of CTD and then using coc riverwood, to save it in a place, that is not labyrithian, loaded that save 3 times without a single crash, resaved that same save game 3 times and then loaded the saves i just created all without a single crash. Papyrus.0.logThe problem seems to be tied to labyrithian somehow Cant figure out how. Going to try running trough the whole quest without saving and saving after its done, RIP my immersion and nerves. So much for enjoying my climb to becoming the arch-mage for the first time. The game has become quite unstable as of late, havent really changed anything, just have been playing quite alot. Save games weight around 11mb, quicksave is 11.8 mb On a side noteWhat the fuck?So, i didnt fix the issue, went to sleep, this morning i wake up, try to launch my skyrim and it crashes before i can open the game. What? Okay, i had MSI afterburner and Resource monitor running in the background, was gonna look how hard it is for my PC to breathe when im in labyrithian, i guess the MSI overlay was causing skyrim to crash before i can open the game. Fixed the issue by clearing save game from scripts
JamenBenthe86 Posted December 11, 2016 Posted December 11, 2016 I've ran into the same problem recently. It's like my save hits a wall and won't work past it. For example, I played my character up to level 16 before I had any serious crashes. It got to where I couldn't play the character at all (couldn't save, fast travel, load,) so I reloaded a save from days before. I could play again for about the same amount of time that I had lost before the same problems came up. I couldn't even start a new game half the time without a crash, and I didn't change anything at all either. My research into the issue told me that it was probably papyrus getting completely overloaded. I just decided that I was tired of troubleshooting and started over on modding the game, this time being wary of too many script-heavy mods like Frostfall, Wet and Cold, etc. Sorry that I don't have a real solution. I just thought that I'd let you know that I've had the same problem, and it can be really frustrating lol.
Darky1029 Posted December 11, 2016 Author Posted December 11, 2016 I've ran into the same problem recently. It's like my save hits a wall and won't work past it. For example, I played my character up to level 16 before I had any serious crashes. It got to where I couldn't play the character at all (couldn't save, fast travel, load,) so I reloaded a save from days before. I could play again for about the same amount of time that I had lost before the same problems came up. I couldn't even start a new game half the time without a crash, and I didn't change anything at all either. My research into the issue told me that it was probably papyrus getting completely overloaded. I just decided that I was tired of troubleshooting and started over on modding the game, this time being wary of too many script-heavy mods like Frostfall, Wet and Cold, etc. Sorry that I don't have a real solution. I just thought that I'd let you know that I've had the same problem, and it can be really frustrating lol. Thanks for the replay. I had a feeling it might be script related, because i haven't changed anything and everything point to that. Then again, im surprised that my lvl 30 ish save isnt fucked yet. I want to delete all the useless mods that i dont even use, but it would screw up my saves. Also, that lvl 11 mage char has the bug when crafting - It will throw me out from the crafting table because of some animation bug, it was caused by Death alternative outcomes, im crafting with sgtm 0.00000001 as there is no other fix than reloading an earlier save , ayyy lmao, just modding things.
skyquester Posted December 13, 2016 Posted December 13, 2016 U could try cleaning up your saves as u delete mods from the load order plus having a mod manager like mod organizer helps too.... There are utilities available that help you clean up your saves by deleting flags from mods that are no longer present making your saves lighter. Also did you remove everything related to defeat bcoz defeat uses scripts your game might be crashing trying to load or execute scripts that are no longer there.
fizzybutt Posted December 14, 2016 Posted December 14, 2016 As for the crafting bug, unsheathing and then re-sheathing weapons has worked for me. I was losing my mind a little while back because it was even happening on a new save.
Darky1029 Posted December 14, 2016 Author Posted December 14, 2016 U could try cleaning up your saves as u delete mods from the load order plus having a mod manager like mod organizer helps too.... There are utilities available that help you clean up your saves by deleting flags from mods that are no longer present making your saves lighter. Also did you remove everything related to defeat bcoz defeat uses scripts your game might be crashing trying to load or execute scripts that are no longer there. Id be a mad man if i tried running this whole thing without mod organizer, and as i stated above, yes, cleaning my saves indeed fixed the problem. Of course, the hassle of reinstalling sexlab and what not, but what can you do, atleast it works. Organizing this without this lovely mod organizer would be a nightmare
skyquester Posted December 18, 2016 Posted December 18, 2016 U could try cleaning up your saves as u delete mods from the load order plus having a mod manager like mod organizer helps too.... There are utilities available that help you clean up your saves by deleting flags from mods that are no longer present making your saves lighter. Also did you remove everything related to defeat bcoz defeat uses scripts your game might be crashing trying to load or execute scripts that are no longer there. Id be a mad man if i tried running this whole thing without mod organizer, and as i stated above, yes, cleaning my saves indeed fixed the problem. Of course, the hassle of reinstalling sexlab and what not, but what can you do, atleast it works. Untitled.png Organizing this without this lovely mod organizer would be a nightmare Lol well glad it worked out for you ... And yes MO is awesome
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