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Sexout/Tryout RolePlay GameStart idea


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Hi Guys & Gals,


I found this little mod that changes the start of the game for roleplaying purposes, and I was thinking it might be a cool thing to tweak for sexout and specfically the fantastic tryout plugins.


The existing mods have you start off in a bunch of different scenarios from NCR soldier to escaped legion slave but they are all quite vanilla off course and mostly aimed at a setup for powerful warrior types.


I can't script or mod myself but I was wondering if anyone is aware of these mods and whether it would be worth into looking if this could be a cool addition to sexout or the tryout plugins in general?


Curious what you geniusses and deviants think off this!


Game start mod:



Game start mod example 2: (Already works a little with tryout!)






Praise to the creators off all the sexout madness! :heart:

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It shouldn't be too difficult to make it fit with NV's general story maybe instead of the goodsprings robot finding you it is someone from NCRF/ Legion etc, and that's why you wake up elsewhere..


Might work nicely with the drug dealers plugin or the breeder idea I noticed in the downloads section, you wake up and your saviours want something in return for saving your life; they want to enslave/breed/prostitute you or they get you hooked on some drugs and make you do some dirty things to get your fix..


Just some ideas, it looks like there's some really advanced mods here and i thought this might be a suggestion for an easy mod that could very much change the immersion into the game when using sexout..


The 2nd mod from the two listed above would probably be easiest to mod, it offers these factions. (ideas below each faction)


1) New Republic of California

(you need to earn some cash to pay off the surgeon - tryout NCR)

2) Caesar's Legion

(You wake up with Marissa by your bed... - Legion trout)

3) Brotherhood of Steel

4) Great Khan

(You wake up, Regis tells you how to join the gang) - Khans Trout)

5) Freeside

(They saved your life using addictive drugs.. now you're a junkie who needs to do what it takes to survive.. - NG Drug Dealers)

6) Powder Ganger

(You wake up in a PG cell, with the guard at your cell door that's normally in front of the prison entrance - Powder Ganger Tryout)

7) Fiend

(You wake up next to Motor-runner - Fiends Tryout)


What do you think?

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