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Help making simple custom courier?


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Hello, I'm not sure if this is the right forum to be posting this, if there's another one I should post this instead, please let me know :).   I'm trying to make a simple custom courier for my follower mod that uses her own custom voice.


The only tutorials I've found either use the vanilla courier system, copy the vanilla courier system, or go all out and make their own custom framework with options for changing couriers and courier containers. These are way more then what I need, I'm only going to use my courier for 2 quests, both to deliver letters to the player. Can anyone help me out, I just want her to have her own unmarked quests, 1 for both letters she delivers at certain points in my followers quest line. I want her to simply teleport to the player after the quests start, forcegreet the player and give them her letters, then return to her cell. I don't want scripts to check a separate container for items, or add a bunch of markers in town for her to teleport to, it'd be nice if she'd only teleport to the player while not in dungeons or combat though.


I already have an empty cell for her with an X marker, and her first quest in the CK made (not finished). I have the first stage conditioned to start after the quest Dragon Rising is completed. What's the next step? Would I make the npc, x marker, and player aliases to the quest and then add script fragments to the quest stage? Would I use a regular script in the script tab to do it? Does she need packages, or can she be told to run up to and forcegreet the player with a script? I've looked at all the scripting tutorials but frankly this is still new and makes my head spin a bit.


If anyone can help me with this I'd be very thankful :)


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