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Seriously,How to change the direction of actor in animation?


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Dear members of Loverslab, Can anyone tell me how to change the facing direction of the male/female actor,not meaning the hotkeys like "k l ; ' "in sexlab settings, those just simply adjust the position in space...


Sometimes I just  found changing the facing direction somehow amazing , for example, using the male actor animation of cowgirl in reverse cowgirl, a different view of  the female >_<~~~


Thanks first!

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I do this quite often too ;) you'll need to modify the script that calls whichever scene it is
Here's a scene I built using mixed animations (the draugr cowgirl was just too good to be for draugr alone) :sleepy:  :




function leitoDraugrCowgirlReverse(int id)
 sslBaseAnimation Base = Create(id)

 Base.Name = "leito Draugr Cowgirl Reverse"

 Base.SoundFX = Squishing

 int a1 = Base.AddPosition(Female, addCum=Vaginal)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a1, "leito_draugr_cowgirl_a1_s1", 0)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a1, "leito_draugr_cowgirl_a1_s2", 0)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a1, "leito_draugr_cowgirl_a1_s3", 0)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a1, "leito_draugr_cowgirl_a1_s4", 0)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a1, "leito_draugr_cowgirl_a1_s5", 0)

 int a2 = Base.AddPosition(Male)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a2, "leito_cowgirl_A2_S2", 0, rotate = 180)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a2, "leito_cowgirl_A2_S2", 0, rotate = 180)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a2, "leito_cowgirl_A2_S2", 0, rotate = 180)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a2, "leito_cowgirl_A2_S3", 0, rotate = 180)
 Base.AddPositionStage(a2, "leito_cowgirl_A2_S4", 0, rotate = 180)

 Base.SetStageSoundFX(5, none)







Note the rotate value on A2 (male).  - If you had created your own scene it would need to be defined at the start of the script like all other scenes are.  (I called this one- leitoDraugrCowgirlReverse)


The script would then need to be saved and compiled. and in game you would need to reset animation library in sexlab's mcm cleanup section before being able to use it.

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