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companion follower (dog) help


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Good evening,


first of all, I've no idea if I ask this in the right section, if so please move my post.


I've a problem with my follower. I am using the companion http://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/65405/?, its a dog but when I try to have sex with him via the sexlab debuf (target/selfcast) spell I can't get it to work. however, any other dog works fine. (the one in riverwood for example)

it might be because he is essential but for some reason I can not set his essential to 0 (mortal) via the console command.

anyone who is able to help me?


thanks in advance!

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you know there are easier ways to have a doggy follower and have sex with him right? other than using debuff

I actually didnt know. Would you mind explaining me?



get more nasty critters (w/ hentai creatures) + creature framework, then add untamed


hentai creatures adds a follower who can have you at will if you allow it, added with untamed ability to make creatures a follower and level them up to help you and they can have sex with you at your choice.

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