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Table-Top (Virtual) Roleplaying?


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Well, any system that features combat should work (assuming the combat system doesn't depend on realistic, detailed wounds...), although one may need to homebrew some systems and larger parts of the setting.

The biggest question is really the players (and GMs) - Pathfinder might be great for people already familiar with it, but in other groups something more lightweight (like Tristat dx) would probably work better. And there's the basic question of the interests of everyone involved (tactical combat, fun or a bore? Fantasy or rather SF? etc)


I've actually kicked around the idea of using crimson skies (air pirates in an alternate 1930s america which fractured into a multitude of states, with zeppelin aircraft carriers and all) , which is probably one of the less-workable systems (it's a small-scale wargame, after all), primarily because of the sheer ridiculousness of it all. laugh.pngangel.gif

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1) Warhammer Fantasy Role Play was already pretty risque ... Each character started in a profession. The profession dictated what skills they could learn, which attributes they could improve, and which other jobs they could turn to next.


... it should be fairly easy to include Prostitute to the list of available Rogue jobs. It already has something close to a pimp (called a Bawd). You could either modify an existing PC carreer, or add some of your own.


... only then you'd probably need to either get a pre-made campaign and add sex elements, or create a campaign from scratch.


Problem is just ... Games Workshop stopped making WHFRP in the mid-90s. I think there was a recent attempt to revive the franchise, but at a rather high price. 


Here's a link to a PDF I found to the old 1990s rule book.





2) From what I hear, some people like GURPS because it's easy to adapt to just about any genre and playstyle. I don't much like it though.



3) Using the Call of Cthulhu RPG might also be interesting - that's the one where player characters lose their sanity the more they learn about the Old Gods. You could just swap Madness with Arousal, causing an embarassment or orgy (instead of "Game Over") when it gets too high. And the game even has tentacle monsters already ... 



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I've kicked around ideas such as this before.  I run Pathfinder on occasion; and I've ran/played in more intimate settings as well.  You should be able to google things like "Pathfinder Vices", which is an over the top handbook on the matter.  There's also some old 3.5 material, like Encyclopedia Nymphology or the Quintessential Temptress.  If fantasy isn't your thing, I know Paizo (Pathfinder company) is releasing "Star Finder" next year for a more sci fi spin.  Though their core "fantasy" material already has robots and androids in it so.... there's that.

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