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Having trouble mirroring a hairstyle


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Hey there,


I downloaded a hairstyle from a guy a few days ago, and although I think the hair is great, I am having a super hard time just simply mirroring it. Prior to today, I've never done anything with actually creating / editing mods in any way, but I got some tips from someone on how to mirror a .nif hairstyle. Even still, I'm having trouble with it.


Basically, I take the .nif of the hairstyle I want, import it into 3ds Max, mirror the hairstyle, and export it once more into a .nif and place it in the hairstyle folder. However, when I put the hairstyle on in Fallout 4, not only is the hair not mirrored, but the colors are all out of whack - some parts of the hair are glowing, while some others stay as they were before.


Sorry if the details seem scarce, I'm basically just blindly running around in the dark trying to figure out how to do this. If someone could waste some of their time on just giving me steps so simple a caveman could do it (whether in 3ds Max or Outfit Studio), I would seriously appreciate it.

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